Molly Erickson, PhD

Molly Erickson, PhD
Associate Professor
- Voice
- Music Perception
Dr. Molly Erickson studied singing with the well-known vocal pedagogue, Thomas Cleveland,
speech science at University of Southern California, and received clinical voice training
from Paul Moore at the University of Florida and from Ed Stone and Thomas Cleveland
at the Vanderbilt Voice Center. Her research interests integrate the fields of singing
science, speech science, and speech pathology as they relate to the human voice. Dr.
Erickson's areas of interest include (1) the physiology and perception of the singing
voice and (2) music perception in cochlear implant users. Dr. Erickson has directed
numerous graduate student research projects and 4 dissertations. She currently has
one doctoral student. Dr. Erickson has published research articles in Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, Brain and Behavior, Music Perception, Journal of Voice,
and the American Journal of Speech Language Pathology. She serves on the editorial
board for Journal of Voice and is a referee for Journal of the Acoustical Society;
Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Vocology; Acustica; Music Perception; PlosOne; and has
served as guest associate editor for American Journal of Speech Language Pathology.
- BM, California State University, Sacramento
- MM, University of Southern California, School of Music
- MA, University of Florida
- PhD, University of Southern California