Public Safety on Campus
Your Safety is a Top Priority
- Installation of 3,636 cameras
- 470 access-controlled doors
- 150 panic alarms strategically located throughout campus
UTHSC Campus Police presently employs:
33 police officers
23 security officers
6 dispatchers
Messages from the Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor
Campus Police Information
UTHSC Alerts

During an emergency situation, every second counts and communication is critical. This is why UTHSC Campus Police has taken steps to ensure that you receive emergency notifications in as many ways as possible.
Safety Escorts
Safety Escorts are available from dusk until dawn for faculty, staff, and students requesting assistance to and from your vehicle or work location in the Medical District. Please call UTHSC Campus Police Dispatch at 901.448.4444 to request a safety escort. Safety escorts are also provided for anyone in their last trimester of pregnancy or anyone with a temporary injury. Learn more about safety escorts on the UTHSC Campus Police website.
Phone Numbers and Campus Police Locations
- Dial x8-4444 from a university phone for immediate police, fire, or medical response.
- From a non-university phone or cell phone, dial 901.448.4444.
- When you are on UTHSC campus property, call Campus Police Dispatch 901.448.4444 for 911 calls.
- For non-emergency police response on campus, dial 901.448.4444.
- Dial x8-8423 (x8-8ice) from a campus phone for inclement weather closing information.
- From a non-university phone, dial 901.448.8423.
- Off Campus the phone number is 901.448.6889 (901.44TO.TTY).
- On Campus dial (xTO.TTY).
Security Desk Locations and Telephone Numbers
Campus Map with Police Call Boxes
Crime Prevention and Education
The Campus Police has a comprehensive crime prevention and Education Safety Program. This program includes providing literature and general information on personal safety, protection of property, car and motorcycle theft prevention, office security, night safety, campus watch, sexual assault, acquaintance rape, harassing telephone calls, and vacation tips. Crime prevention classes and safety seminars are held upon request and during both new hire and new student orientation.
- Faculty, staff, and students may readily access the Daily Crime Log and Annual Security Report.
- College and University Security Information Act Report
- Safety Tips while on Campus to help keep you safe and aware of your surroundings.
- Identity Theft can happen to anyone. Be prepared and learn what to do if you think it has or could happen to you.
- TBI Sex Offender Registry
Counseling Resources
Counseling services available:
- University Health Services (UHS): 901.448.5630
- If you are a student experiencing a counseling/behavioral health emergency after hours or on holidays and weekends, please call the Counseling Services After-hours Emergency number at 901.690.2273 to be connected with a counselor
Community resources available:
- Memphis Crisis Center: 901.CRISIS7 (274.7477)
- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988