Eun Jin Paek, PhD

Eun Jin Paek, PhD
Associate Professor
- Neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and primary progressive aphasia
- Acquired neurogenic disorders of language and cognition, including stroke-induced aphasia and cognitive-communication disorders
- Structural and functional MRI
- Single subject experimental designs
Dr. Eun Jin Paek has been with UT since 2017. Her research focuses on adult neurogenic
communication disorders such as aphasia, and cognitive communicative disorders caused
by neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia. Her translational and
interdisciplinary research agenda combines behavioral language treatment methods and
fMRI techniques to examine treatment efficacy and underlying neurophysiological mechanisms.
Specifically, she aims to examine different training methods and regimens (e.g., working
memory-language combined approach vs. traditional language stimulation, dispersed
vs. intense protocol, training with multiple activities [established to evoke better
generalization] vs. training with a single model-oriented activity) and corresponding
neural mechanisms that support improvements in these populations. Furthermore, given
the substantial variations with respect to brain lesions and subsequent variations
in structural and functional neural connectivity across individuals with neurogenic
language disorders, she pursues finding accurate and precise measurement of treatment-related
neuroimaging outcomes.
- BA, Seoul National University, Seoul (2007)
- MS, Yonsei University, Seoul (2009)
- PhD, Indiana University, Bloomington (2017)