Audit and Compliance
UTHSC Audit and Compliance helps the University achieve its mission by providing objective and independent evaluations to reduce risk and improve operations.
Internal Audit helps the university achieve its mission by providing objective and independent assurance to add value, reduce risk, and improve operations as a service to management and the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees. Internal auditors assist management in effectively carrying out their duties and responsibilities by reviewing and advising management on financial and operational internal controls, information technology controls, and compliance with university policies, procedures, and applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, Audit and Compliance administers the UT Compliance Hotline and Internal Audit, in conjunction with Institutional Compliance, perform independent investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse allegations. Internal Audit and investigation work is discussed and coordinated with the State of Tennessee Comptroller’s Office.
The internal auditing profession is governed by standards promulgated by The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., which require us to evaluate and contribute to the improvement of governance, risk management, and control processes using a systematic and disciplined approach. At the conclusion of each engagement, reports are issued to audited parties, senior management, the Audit and Compliance Committee, and the Division of State Audit.
Reporting Fraud
Employees and students are encouraged to report known or suspected dishonest acts by employees, outside contractors, or vendors. Fraudulent activities should be reported as follows:
- To your supervisor or department head
- To a UTHSC official
- UTHSC Audit and Compliance: 901.448.1435
- System-Wide Audit and Compliance: 865.974.6611
- UT Compliance Hotline: 855.461.2771
- Online at
- State Comptroller’s Hotline for Fraud, Waste, or Abuse: 1.800.232.5454