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Governor Issues Stay at Home Requirement

April 2, 2020

Dear UT Family,

Today, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed an executive order requiring that Tennessee residents stay at home unless they are carrying out essential duties. Data from the governor’s office indicates movement within our state may be increasing, thus the need to move to a stricter mandate. Executive Order 23 is an updated version from the governor’s previous executive order to clearly require that Tennesseans stay at home unless they are carrying out essential activities. The executive order remains in effect until April 14, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

We firmly support efforts to slow the spread of infection by increasing social distancing and minimizing gatherings of people. Employees should work from home unless they are providing an essential service that can only be done on campus. For guidance on remote work and related issues, please visit

If you work in a role providing services that need to be provided in-person, be in touch with your manager to review the need. We will continue to assess what functions require an in-person presence, and managers will be in touch with employees as additional information becomes available.

Please continue to exercise proper social distancing, wash your hands frequently, exercise good self-care, and take care of your family. Thank you for your continued commitment as we continue to navigate this quickly unfolding set of events.

Do your part. Stay apart. #TNStayApart

Randy Boyd

Last Published: May 26, 2022