A Message from the Dean
We have a number of outstanding programs in the College of Dentistry and the College was recently re-accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, as part of the regular seven-year accreditation cycle.
If the number of applicants nationwide is a measure of the dental profession, then dentistry is still one of the most sought-after careers today. We received more than 2,200 applications for the most recent DDS program cycle. We accept a class of 100 students. The program awarding the Bachelor of Science degree in Dental Hygiene is also robust and accepts a class of 30 each year.
Thanks to the generous donations and support of our alumni, friends and corporate partners, we have renovated all of the clinical facilities in our primary clinical site, the Dunn Dental Building. Our clinical facilities utilize the latest technologies to deliver dental treatment to our patients. Altogether, the College of Dentistry has approximately 60,000 patient visits each year.
The College of Dentistry has also increased its presence throughout the state of Tennessee. Currently, our senior students treat patients at extramural clinics in Jackson, Union City, Bristol and Chattanooga, and we have a plan to open an additional clinic in Nashville. As a result, our students graduate with an exceptional depth of clinical experience.
The College also houses all seven mainline clinical residency programs. Most of these programs have both a clinical and research component, and lead to a Masters of Dental Science (MDS) degree.
Spearheaded by the Department of Bioscience Research, the College of Dentistry is actively involved in both clinical, laboratory and translational research. Each year, faculty of the College of Dentistry produce about 100 scholarly research papers for peer-reviewed journals. Our faculty also actively participate in regional, national and international scientific meetings. The College is also active in promoting student research and jointly sponsors the annual Hinman Student Research Symposium, during which dental students from across the nation present their research. The College also sponsors the annual William F. Slagle Dental Meeting, named after our fourteenth dean who served from 1982-2003.
I will continue to work with the faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends to maintain the rich heritage of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry.
James C. Ragain, DDS, MS, PhD, FICD, FACD
Dean, College of Dentistry