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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Abdu, AdioCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Bailey, AmeliaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Page, AudreyCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Nelson, Amy LCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Kumar, AlokCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Rogers, Anna Joy G.College of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Shaw, ArieCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Swailes, AlexaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Townsend, Arthur MelvinCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Wright, Alicia WCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Talbot, Abigail YandellCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Bell, BrandonCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Carter, Belvia ACollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Chappell, Benjamin TCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Duncan-cody, BarbaraCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Hardy, Brenda MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Li, Bo CharlesCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Crisler, Crista LCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Hinote, Candace DeniseCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lynn, Carol IngrahamCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Mcglothan, Corey ShaneCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Reed Jr, Cheston MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Shephard, Claudette JonesCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Butawan-ali, Dominique MarieCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Esters, Danielle MariCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Grandberry, DeidreaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Long, Diane MehlhornCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Martin, Daniel ClydeCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyEmeritus Professor
Moore, Dwight MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Rouselle, Dionne MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Willis, Donald ClintoCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Riseling, ElizabethCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Creekmore, FaithCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Odulana, Florene DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Manejwala, FazalCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Foster, Teri-lee ChanetteCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Burana, Gregory JamesCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Giddens, G AricCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Peeler, George HCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Chauhan, Heather PCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Donato, Heather OcainCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Geissler, Helena MarieCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lee, Helen SeunglimCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Sullivant, Henry PaulCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Carney, Judi LynnCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Dewane, JoeCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Johnson, Justine RachCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Koerten, James MichaeCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Lawrence, Joseph KCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Mcadory, Elizabeth JaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Mullenix, Jason BryanCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Patterson, Dr. JamesCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Ruffin, Jessica DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Samson, Jacques ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Santoso, Joseph TCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Schorge, John OCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor And Chair
Whittington, Julie ReCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Williams, Judy JCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Williams, JasonCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Brackney, KerriCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Cooley, Kira MattisonCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Damallie, Kushna KumaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Dorsett, KatieCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Miller, Kristin MorseCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Patterson, Kyle SCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Owens, Kristin ElizabCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Taylor, KristalCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Anderson, LanettaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Bannister, Lea MaryCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Bishop, Laura JCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Engbretson, Laura KniCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Haskins, Laura BCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Himel, Laura KebertCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Mayo, Leslie ThompsonCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Moses-simmons, LindaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Tonkin, Leah CCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Sawant, LaxmichayaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Smiley, Linda MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Akiyama, MegumiCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Blackett, Melrose IngCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Deroche, Michael EdwaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Giddens, AndreaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Gilliland, Marian SCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Houser, Molly VCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Johnson, Mary KatherineCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Keegan, LeighCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Mcalister, Mitchell SCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Mcdonald, Mary NeumanCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Reed, Mark EdwardCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Santa Cruz Terrazas, MarinaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Seymore, Melvinie ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Summitt, Margaret ZCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Taslimi, Masoud MarkCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Ulm, MichaelCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Meyer, Norman LewisCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Phillips, Owen PCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Brezina, PaulCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Khanna, PallaviCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Neblett, Paul DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Wendel, PaulCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Estepp, Rye ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Cyrus, Rushelle AliciaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Ke, RayCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Taylor, Robin MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Patterson, Rushton ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Phinehas, Ramona CristabelCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Summitt Jr, Robert LCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Butcher, Sharon ACollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Cox, JayCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Edwards, Samuel BCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Ehiremen, Stephen EguCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Kumar, SanjeevCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Lacy, Susan NorthenCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Li, Sherri XuanCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lumbarsky, Suzanne LyCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Murrmann, Susan GCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Portera, GregCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Rauls, SteveCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Malone, Shannon ReidleyCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Trafficante, Sean GadCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Crenshaw, Thomas HCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Gray, Thomas LynnCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Greenwell, David ThomasCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
King, FrankCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Stovall, Thomas GCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Tillmanns, Todd DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Givens, Vanessa MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Holls, William MartinCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Kutteh, William HCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Stinson, William DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Moore, Yvonne FrankCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
May 26, 2022