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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Barnes, AliciaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Andring, AlyssaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Elder, Agnes DomantayCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Ford, Allison RoseCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Himes, Audrey MichellCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Lowell, Ari-lev MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Gadiparthi, Annie NaikCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Quinn, Alison NicoleCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Ramos, AndresCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Stewart, Altha JCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
George, Brett AndrewCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Roper, Brad LeeCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Brooks, ChristieCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Hubbert, Charles HCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Mcintosh, CynthiaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Nasdahl, Clifford SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
White, Christopher LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Williams, Carolyn CulCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Boyd, Daniel StreetCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Hogan, Deborah LynnCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Allen, David MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor Emeritus
Wilson, Darrel LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Crouse, Ellen MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Edens, Ellen LockardCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor
Nwokeji, Emmanuel ICollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Reich, Eliyahu PCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Varner, Ferrell ECollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Caldwell, RobbyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Bell, Iverson CCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Cummings, JessicaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Gold, JessicaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Greene, John RCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Howell, BillCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Jones, Jeffrey VincenCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Leal, JorgeCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Page, JacqueCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor
Seeley Mcgee, JenniferCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Bastian, KelseyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Caruso, Keith AllenCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Clark, Kenneth DavidCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Ennis, Kenneth AlanCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Kothari, Khyati NCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Sakauye, KenCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor Emeritus
Warren, LadorisCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Adler, Marcy CCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Perkins, Melanie GCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Hoffmann, Melissa LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Jawwad, MadihaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Ataga, OnomeCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Cowan, Ronald LynnCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor & Chair
Gruber, ReutCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Haykal, Radwan FCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor
Rosenthal, Renate HCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor Emeritus
Abdullah, SyidahCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Ashraf, SunbalCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Baltz, SandraCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Rack, Sarah KotchenCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Williams, Susannah TaylorCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Bilbruck, Timothy JayCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Arnold, Valerie KCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor & Director
Jackson, William CCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Murphy, William DCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor
Pitts, Wesley MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Barnes, Yuxiao ElizabCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
May 26, 2022