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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Hambright, Ashley AnneCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Roth, Adam PCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Smith, Arthur AudieCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Harper, AaronCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
Messenger, Brigitte MiriamCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Moore, Blake ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Combs, Craig MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Polin, Carrie MonicaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Solla, Che ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Turner, CannonCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
Bustamante, Daniel RCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Sewell, Daniel WCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Smith, Dustin CheneyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
Mobley, Edward CCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Driscoll, Elizabeth Barron SheffeyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Vega, HannahCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Beckham Iii, JebCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Buehler, Jason MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Bondranko, JosephCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Chavez, Jack JCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Epps, Jerry LCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor Em
Keller, Jason DouglasCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Miller, James KevinCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Perkerson, Jace MarshallCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Simpson, Joseph ECollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Staack, JeffCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Swengel, Justin ClarkCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
May, KeithCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Morgan, KabelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Pearson, Kylie RaeCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Robinson, Kip DaronCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Flynn, Michael RCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Godbold, Michael DavidCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Hatch, Micah AlexanderCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Hosking, Michael PCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Associate Pro
Ison, Matthew WallaceCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Murray, Mark BCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Vance, Matthew BCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Allen, PaulCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyProfessor
Cato, PhilipCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
Mcconville, Patrick OwenCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor And C
Gassert, Robert BrianCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Strevels, Stephen MCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Vanterpool, Stephanie GraceCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Christianson, TommyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Nowell, TerryCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Knott, VictoriaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Cox, EricCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
May 26, 2022