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Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center

The mission of the UTHSC Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center is to educate future practitioners, and to empower underserved families through the provision of educational and healthcare services.

The UTHSC Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center (RKSTC) is a student-run pro bono clinic. We serve underinsured and uninsured children from birth to 18 years. Occupational therapy (OT) services are provided by students with the direct supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. Services provided include consultation, evaluation, individual treatment, and parent/family education.


As the only clinic in the Mid-South providing occupational therapy services at no cost to uninsured or underinsured children, the UTHSC Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center is strengthening the community by providing science-driven, evidence-based occupational therapy to support children with special needs and their families in fulfilling their potential for participation and engagement within the contexts of everyday living.

Graduate-level occupational therapy students serve as clinic administrators, providing critical workplace experiences as they address the needs of young patients and their families. Occupational therapy students assist with developmental screenings, occupational therapy evaluations and treatment, and patient/family education with supervision by  licensed occupational therapy practitioners. Students are improving their patient-therapist communication skills, receiving feedback and support from practitioners that help in the development of important skills, and they are learning from hands-on experiences with children while under the supervision of licensed occupational therapists. On- and off-site services are available, including direct therapy, consultations with parents and teachers, training and coaching for parents, and workshops.


Students in swing


I am very pleased about the services that my daughter has been receiving at the Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center. This was the first therapy appointment that was outside of our home, and I had no idea what to expect but the first encounter made me feel like I made the right choice. Within the first 2 weeks I was starting to see a major difference in her gross motor skills and expressive language. The occupational therapist has been an incredible influence on me as well as my child and honestly, I think that is just as important as the therapy. Seeing my daughter learn skills and have fun while doing it motivates me to want to do more for her. I look forward to every session! Every 2 weeks we both get to show off what she's learned by our consistency. Not only do we take things home for her, but we also get to help her big brother, who is autistic, so he benefits from the things that we have learned! I am extremely thankful for this opportunity for my family!

Clinic Information


"Rachel was a very special friend to me and the most genuine person I have ever known. Rachel was a sweet and loyal person who always made me laugh with her great sense of humor and forgetfulness. As her friend I knew I could always depend on her. There was a light in Rachel that was obvious to all she met due to her love for Christ and her God centered life. She was a servant leader who dreamed of becoming a pediatric occupational therapist. As we prepared ourselves for the UTHSC OT program, it was easy to see her natural talents and excitement for helping others. Though I miss her every day, I will help to fulfill her dream of serving pediatric patients through the Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center provided in her memory." - Shani Henley, MOT Class of 2018 student and Rachel’s childhood friend

OT students in group

Last Published: Oct 31, 2024