OBGYN Clerkship
The specialty of obstetrics and gynecology is dynamic – growing, changing and evolving in response to patient population needs, treatment modalities, economic influences and political/legislative concerns. The Ob-Gyn is not only the physician for the reproductive needs of patients but often the sole provider of primary and preventive care needs of women. During this clerkship we will provide you with a foundation of knowledge and skills to manage the health care needs of women.

We are looking forward to your participation in the clerkship. This rotation is designed to provide a good mix of hands-on clinical teaching and experience, as well sufficient didactic lectures, case studies, weekly meetings and one-on-one sessions intended to supplement the clinical education. You will be exposed to a variety of normal and abnormal cases which will provide those of you who are motivated and interested the opportunity to learn a great deal about OBGYN.
Our faculty, residents and staff are dedicated to teaching and assisting you in your training during this important and exciting part of your academic career. We are committed to supporting and enhancing each student's educational experience, and hope you will share in our commitment by taking full advantage of this educational opportunity. We look forward to working with you.
Florene Odulana MD, MS, FACOG
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology