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Snippets are pre-defined content that can be used on pages across the site.

This is an example of a page introduction snippet. The green section is the page "intro." The light grey section is the page "lead." The green text and lighter gray text are built-in functions. All you have to do is select the snippet, and type in your content. You can include hyperlinks in the lead.

This table is an example of an Accordion Snippet.
Align Center

Content not in an Align Center Snippet.

Content in an Align Center Snippet.

Notice that is does not do anything other than align center...

Badge Box with Icon and Text

The Badge Box with Icon and Text populates a selected icon from this listing: Instructions can be found within the snippet itself. The badge can also be linked like the second example.

Established in 1911, UTHSC is Tennessee’s only public, statewide, academic, health system.
Block Grid

Block grids are extremely useful for faculty listings, or anywhere that you need to display lots of smaller sections in rows of three and more. Below is an example of a Block Grid Snippet placed within an Align Center Snippet. 

A photo of Kai Chen

Kai Chen, PhD

A photo of Paula Deitrich

Paula Dietrich, PhD

Xiaobin Han photo

Xiaobin Han, MD, PhD

A photo of Sue Chin Lee

Sue Chin Lee, PhD

A photo of Pradeep Shukla

Pradeep Shukla, PhD

A photo of Shirley Wang

Shirley Wang, MD, PhD



Use the callout to provide attention to a certain section of the page. Information here should be kept short and informative.

Callout - Secondary

Should be used to call attention to an object that will remain on the page for a short time like notices.

Callout - Warning

Should be used when you need to call attention to a short term closing, an update, system changes, etc.


Should be used for, obviously, an FAQ. An alternative to this is to use the Accordion snippet.

Where is Memphis?

What does UTHSC stand for?

Who is the greatest superhero?

UTHSC Weather


What do I wear in the spring?


What do I wear in the summer?


What do I wear in the fall?


What do I wear in the winter?


Where is Memphis?

It's located in the southwest corner of Tennessee.

What does UTHSC stand for?

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Who is the greatest superhero?

It has to be Spiderman since we are on the web, right?

UTHSC Weather


What do I wear in the spring?

It starts to get warmer but rainy, so scrubs and an umbrella.


What do I wear in the summer?

Its can be hot and muggy, so scrubs and a fan.


What do I wear in the fall?

It starts to get cooler, so scrubs.


What do I wear in the winter?

It gets fairly cold but not much snow, so scrubs and warm boots.

 Half and Half columns

Should be used within a Full Row.

Left Column

Replace this text with your actual content.

Right Column

Replace this text with your actual content.

Highlight Box 

Creates a highlight box with scrollover. Can be used with or without a description but must have a photo. Colors are green, blue, and purple... if at all possible please use green. 

Image Navigation 

We don't typically use this snippet. If you'd like to try this one out, holler at the Webmaster!

 Media with Content

Media with Content is typically used for faculty or staff listings that need bios. We don't typically use this layout for academic faculty, as they have faculty portfolios with their bio.


Your content will go here and align with the media you insert.

News Boxes 
This is an example of the news boxes snippet set for Campus, Chattanooga, 2 stories, and the white theme. 
Page Introduction

Should be used in a full width row. Can be used without the "lead" (grey text)

Each fiscal year, our faculty and staff receive nearly $100 million in research funding, including support from National Institutes of Health grants and private foundations.

Advancing research and economic development is at the core of our mission. Research funding has directly contributed to UTHSC's long record of accomplishments in basic science, applied clinical and translational research, and public health, allowing us to continue our contributions to the health of the Memphis-area community. Through collaborative relationships with health care partnerships like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, we are well-positioned to pave the way for innovative patient-centered research and development with a clinical and translational focus.

Responsive Figure

Should be used when trying to add a photo within a body of text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sapien arcu, rutrum sit amet libero ut, lobortis pretium ante. Curabitur ullamcorper posuere nisi a lobortis. Nunc euismod ante id justo pellentesque, sit amet dapibus metus consectetur. Praesent luctus nisi et facilisis elementum. Sed cursus molestie ipsum a consequat. Nulla lacinia a felis et vestibulum. Pellentesque in bibendum urna. Proin eu ante dolor. Donec posuere nunc nisl, nec facilisis quam fermentum non.

Vestibulum congue placerat orci ut finibus. Integer mi urna, pellentesque quis nisl dapibus, laoreet imperdiet eros. Cras tempor diam nec sapien iaculis, eu condimentum erat mollis. Suspendisse semper non eros in laoreet. Nam lobortis risus eget vestibulum suscipit. Proin rhoncus, est vel tristique viverra, lacus sapien ullamcorper ante, non accumsan elit odio at odio. Nullam tristique rutrum lacus a porta. Mauris at diam eu arcu malesuada cursus.

Integer gravida tellus justo, et dignissim diam aliquet ac. Mauris eget ultricies odio. Aliquam egestas ultrices sem eu mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris auctor, enim at auctor hendrerit, urna sapien varius ipsum, in sodales dui nisi nec mi. Integer at ligula a risus pretium malesuada ac dictum enim. In consectetur, urna nec interdum euismod, est dolor aliquet nunc, non auctor quam elit nec ex. Phasellus volutpat arcu nunc, id luctus ligula sagittis eget. Etiam molestie turpis eget nunc convallis ornare. Ut non libero vel turpis pretium posuere. Suspendisse fermentum neque nec justo mollis consequat.

Memphis Peabody
If you need a caption, please enter it here.Source: uthsc
This is where you will put your content for the first panel.
This is where you will put your content for the second panel.
This is where you will put your content for the third panel.


This is where you will put your content for the first panel.
This is where you will put your content for the second panel.
This is where you will put your content for the third panel.
May 26, 2022