The Advanced Specialty Education Program in Endodontics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center provides instruction in advanced techniques to post-graduate students who wish to be eligible for state licensure with a limited license in endodontics. Students in the program, located in the downtown medical center in Memphis in the Winfield C. Dunn College of Dentistry, provide patient care to a diverse population from both internal and external referring providers with an emphasis for preparing post-graduate students for clinical practice.
Communication in coordinating interdisciplinary treatment planning, management of the medically complex patient, interpreting objective data and special testing and reporting findings to the referring office are all hallmarks of contemporary endodontic practice that the program aims to simulate. In-depth instruction is provided in a state-of-the art clinic following an intensive eight-week preclinical course in non-surgical endodontics, retreatment, instrument retrieval, perforation repair and adjunct procedures that encompass endodontic practice. Surgical endodontics is performed as a PGY2 as cases are available.
To complete the Certificate Program, residents must demonstrate proficiency in the examination, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the dental pulp and the related periodontal tissues. The program complies with standards established by the American Dental Association's Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) and qualifies residents for examination by the American Board of Endodontics. Continuous full-time attendance is a requisite for the 24 month course of instruction.
The Certificate Program concludes (a minimum of) two years from date of entry which is June 30.

Our mission is to train contemporary endodontists to get to the root of the problem.
Endodontic Principles
The Advanced Post Graduate Endodontic Program seeks to further the educational, research, clinical, and community service missions of the UTHSC and the College of Dentistry by providing an environment wherein:
- endodontic residents are educated to provide high quality oral health care based on sound scientific principles;
- patients receive competent, limited endodontic care as part of a comprehensive treatment plan;
- faculty, residents, and program staff members value patients, respect diversity, and share responsibility while working together toward academic, professional, and personal growth;
- scholarly activity and research provide a foundation for evidence-based learning and enhanced health care;
- the program attracts and retains a superior and diverse faculty, residents and staff who are motivated to excellence; and
- the community benefits from Program services and commitment to quality health care.