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Key Control

Locksmith Office

Facilities Physical Plant, Room 224

Key order, pick-up, return or transfer hours: 
Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 11:30 am and 1:00 – 4:30 pm


  • Any issued key is the property of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and is loaned to you during your affiliation with the campus.
  • You must not loan or give the key to anyone, even if your employment with the University is terminated. All keys must be properly disposed by returning them to the Facilities Locksmith and Key Control unit for record control disposition.
  • You are personally responsible for University issued keys at all times. Should you lose the key please contact us at 901.448.4001 after you have made a careful search. 
Read Full Key Control Policy

1. Keys will be issued by the Facilities Locksmith or the Designated Key Control Assistant in the event of his/her absence. Key requests must be submitted through Archibus with a properly authorized Key Request Form attached. Key Request Forms are available on the UTHSC Facilities website under Key Control.

      a. There will be one key order per key. Multiple keys will not be issued in the name of one individual for the purpose of passing them out to other individuals. Persons signing out keys will be responsible for all keys signed out in his/her name.

      b. Authorization to sign key requests is limited to vice chancellors, deans, independent department heads, department chairpersons, directors or their designees. The delegation of this authority is limited to personnel under the direct budget and operational control of the individual doing the delegating. Designees may sign authorizations for interior door keys only. Key requests for any building exterior access must be authorized by Director of Facilities.

      c. Authority to hold a Grand Master key will be limited to the Facilities Director, Facilities Locksmith, Director of Space Planning, Chief of Campus Police and the Chancellor or any authorized designees of these individuals for use in carrying out their specialized official duties.

      d. Authority to hold a Master key or Sub-Master Key for all of a building or all of a system segment will require Facilities Director approval and be limited to vice chancellors, deans, chairpersons, independent department heads and directors who have an entire building or system segment under their control. This authorization may be extended only to one other authorized delegate.

      e. Authority to hold Sub-Master keys for parts of a building or parts of a system segment will be limited to the following individuals:

            (1) Chairpersons, department heads, directors, faculty, graduate students, and technicians designated by department heads as requiring special after-hours access.

            (2) Custodial, maintenance and security personnel who have a continuing "need to enter" when occupants are not available to let them in. Any technician will require approval from their superintendent or the Facilities Director.

      f. Authority to hold exterior door keys to buildings equipped with card reader equipment will require Facilities Director approval and be limited to security and maintenance supervisory personnel who routinely have a need to enter all exterior doors. Exterior door keys to buildings and those buildings equipped with card readers will be limited to Facilities Director, Facilities Locksmith, and Director of Space Planning, Chief of Campus Police and the Chancellor or any authorized designees. All others requiring after-hours access to buildings will call on Campus Police to let them in.

      g. The transfer of key ownership from one employee to another will be accomplished in the following manner:

            (1) The key is returned to the Facilities Locksmith or Designated Key Control Assistant where the signature of accountability is canceled and a receipt issued upon request.

            (2) Department Heads or their designees may transfer a key by processing the Key Transfer Form available on the Key Control section of the UTHSC Facilities website. This Key Transfer Form must then be attached to an Archibus Work Request and submitted.

            (3) Keys must be reassigned or returned in order for the Facilities Exit Clearance to be completed in the event that the individual discontinues employment, retires or is terminated by the university. Keys should not be held in the department without proper transfer to a new individual.

2. Prior to retirement, discontinued employment, or termination and receipt of their final paycheck, all faculty, staff exempt and staff non-exempt employees will return all building and office keys for which they are responsible to the Facilities Locksmith or Designated Key Control Assistant. Departments will initiate an Exit Clearance which will be verified by the Facilities Locksmith and Facilities Business Office indicating all keys have been accounted for. A charge of ten dollars ($10.00) will be levied for replacement of each lost key and for any key that is not returned or for which proper accounting has not been made. Payment must be made to Facilities Business Office (room 223), at which point receipt must be presented to Facilities Locksmith for Exit Clearance.

3. When an employee begins extended leave without pay for a period of four months or less, keys must be returned to Facilities Department. Keys may be re-issued upon potential return.

4. The loss (or discovery) of a UT key will be reported immediately by telephone to the Facilities Locksmith or Designated Key Control Assistant (448-4001). The following additional procedures apply:

      a. Within five (5) work days of the telephone report, the key assignee will render a written report to his/her department head and to Facilities Locksmith or Designated Key Control Assistant, outlining circumstances of loss and affirming that if the key is recovered, it will be returned.

      b. A replacement key will not be issued until the required written report cited above is received and approval is granted to issue a duplicate key.

      c. It is the department's responsibility to see that employees follow proper procedures in returning keys to Facilities Locksmith & Designated Key Control Assistant upon termination or

5. When a higher degree of security for funds, drugs, records, etc., is needed, Campus Police will be notified and assistance will be provided in determining the level of security needed. It is imperative that the number of keys issued be restricted to the absolute minimum essential to the operation.

6. Normally, all keys and lock cores should be changed, or at least evaluated for change, at intervals not exceeding five years. Condition of keys and cores, number of lost keys, current and planned use of space, security problems and current and future security needs are some of the more important factors to be considered in deciding when keys and cores should be changed. Movement of a department into space previously occupied by another activity usually justifies changing keys and lock cores at the time the move is made.

7. Core change requests will be directed to Facilities Locksmith by submission of an Archibus Work Request, outlining the building, space and doors where changes are desired, reasons for change and fund account(s) to which costs are to be charged. Lock change requests will be limited to department heads, business managers, deans, chairs, and appropriate designees.

8. The Facilities Locksmith will annually conduct random key checks sampling 25 percent of all department key accounts to determine that proper accountability of keys is being maintained.

*This policy statement supersedes and incorporates Policy 2.170, Key Control Policy.

Jul 31, 2024