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2024 Student Research Assistantship Program

On July 17, 2024, the students of the Student Research Assistantship Program presented their research presentations and posters. The event was attended by residents, faculty, family, friends, and staff.   

Highlights from the SRP Research Symposium

Students standing before a research poster

Counseling patients with a high risk of HIV exposure helps prevent HIV infection in patients at UT Family Medicine - St. Francis – Department of Family Medicine – Memphis, Tennessee 

C. Bowen; M. Eldad; M. Khan, MD; A. Matthews, MD; C. Busby, DO

Student standing before a research poster

HPV Vaccination Rates at UT Family Medicine  - Jackson UT Family Medicine – Jackson, Tennessee

S. Dunn; C. Knight, MD; C. Trostel, MD; T. Potts, DO; 
K. Thakuria, DO; D. Wakefield, DO

Student standing before a research poster

Obesity Counseling Rates at the Family Medicine Clinic- Jackson, Tennessee

L.V. Edwards; G. Mitchell, MD; D. Trull-Smith, DO;
A. McNeil, MD; A. Abbott, MD; J. Acevado, MD

Students and faculty standing before a research poster

Evaluation of Postpartum Contraception Care at UTFM: Return Rates, Contraception Counseling, and Frequency of Short Interval Pregnancy St. Francis - Memphis, Tennessee 

T. Nguyen; B. Lanai; A. Newsome, MD, PhD; S. Caldwell, MD; H. Veluswamy, MD

Student standing before a research poster

Assessing the Effectiveness of Current Procedures in Evaluating Patient Risk of Opioid Abuse Department of Family Medicine- Jackson, Tennessee

A. Lawson; G. Studebaker MD, FAAFP, FASAM; B Churchill MD; R. Franz MD; J. Beck DO; C. Goad, DO

Student receiving a certificate

Identifying Target Subpopulations for Increased Depression Screening at a Family Medicine Clinic Department of Family Medicine- Jackson, Tennessee

C. A. Litle; J. Turner, MD; S. Sadler, MD; M. Mooney, MD; A. Anazia, MD; S. Korshun, DO; T. Frederick, DO

Students with certificate

Lifestyle Counseling in Patients with Obesity at UT  St. Francis Family Medicine Clinic St. Francis - Memphis, Tennessee

C. Rivera; C. Tabeling, MS; S. Caldwell, MD; M. Juma, DO; C. Tran MD

Aug 7, 2024