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Residents are required while in training at the University of Tennessee to be enrolled in a health insurance plan.

Residents pay for approximately 20% of the cost and UT pays for the other 80%.  Learn more about the Resident Insurance Benefits (GME Policy #230).

Resident Health, Vision, Dental Rates for 2024-2025

Type Employee
Employee %
Employee 120.00 20%
Employee and Spouse 240.00 20%
Employee and Child(ren) 210.00 20%
Family 325.00 20%

The plan through the GME Office is available for residents to sign up at the start of their training and to alter their coverage throughout the year with a life changing event such as marriage or birth of a child.

A Guide to your UTGME United Health Insurance Benefit Plan Options: Health | Dental | Vision

  • The coverage change is effective on the date of the change, i.e. date of birth or marriage.
  • The deduction is retroactive to the 1st of the month if before the 16th or the following month if after the 15th.


All GME residents and fellows are automatically eligible. Additionally, any non-GME person listed in the UT payroll system as a 100% full-time intern, resident, or fellow and makes at least $350 per month is eligible. Insurance coverage cannot start for Non-GME individuals until the that person is listed as active in their position in the UT payroll system and eligible to be payroll deducted for their premium.

Open Enrollment

GME currently allows open enrollment to be effective the 1st of the following month throughout the year for a non-life changing event.

For Non-GME eligible full-time employees (interns, residents, and fellows), complete the Non-GME Benefit Request Form and email to and  You will then be emailed login instructions once you are loaded into BerniePortal.

For current GME residents/fellows - to make basic changes to your existing account, go to BerniePortal.

If this is your first time logging in:

Employee code logins

  • 2 digit code: 2 digit birth month
  • 4 digit code: last 4 social
  • employer code: 656612

Starting Coverage

To start coverage, email your name and program. You will then be emailed login instructions once you are loaded into BerniePortal.

Changing Coverage

To add or subtract dependents, email that you need your BerniePortal unlocked for a qualifying event.  GME will then unlock your account and notify you by email. You can then make the changes by logging into BerniePortal and select login. Username is your UT email address. Password is 2 digit birth month and last four digits of your social security number. You may select "Forgot Password" to reset.

Canceling Coverage

Canceling health insurance coverage will be effective the 1st of the following month 

Changes, including canceling coverage, cannot be made retroactively.

Life Insurance

The Basic Group Life Insurance Benefit issued through Hartford is $100,000.

Disability Insurance

Changes to your disability policy deductions will be effective the first of the following month.

Flexible Benefits Plan

Residents are eligible to participate in the health expense and child care expense flexible benefits program.

Leave Without Pay

  • When a resident is on leave without pay for any reason other than FMLA, the resident is responsible for the entire portion of the health insurance cost.
  • Residents will be required to pay the employer portion of the health insurance prior to going on leave without pay unless it is an emergency.
  • The employee portion will be deducted from their next paycheck.


Residents are eligible for COBRA coverage when they terminate from the University; the insurance carrier will mail you enrollment forms and you will pay them directly.



May 3, 2024