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Resident Supervision

The Residency Supervision Area is designed to assist hospitals and clinics with the protocols outlined for specific duties residents and fellows can perform. These guidelines are determined by the faculty of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Any questions about certain procedures not listed should be addressed to the faculty and not decided by the resident or fellow.

A credentialed and privileged attending physician ultimately provides supervision or oversight of each resident's patient care activities. Direct supervision by a qualified attending physician is required in the OR/Delivery Room or for non-routine invasive procedures like Cardiac Cath, Endoscopy, and Interventional Radiology. The standards for resident supervision in patient care settings are described in GME Policy #410.

Alexis Griffith

Griffith, Alexis - PGY - 5

Department of Medicine-Infectious Disease
Resident Supervision

Procedural Competence -Medicine-Infectious Disease Residency Program

Differential Diagnosis:

Clinical History
Physical Examination
Interpretation of Lab Studies
Interpretation of Basic x-ray Studies
(skull, spine, chest, abdomen, extremities)

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation:

Airway Maintenance
Emergency Drug Therapy
Rhythm Strip Interpretation
Intravenous Catheterization
Closed Chest Massage
Pediatric Resuscitation
Electrocardioversion & Defibrillation
Intracardiac Injection
Venous Cut-down

Airway Maintenance:

Insertion of Oral Pharyngeal Airway
Endotracheal Intubation
Use of Mechanical Respirators

Additional Specific Skills:

Intra-arterial Puncture or Catheterization

Bladder Catheterization
Foreign Body Removal Techniques

Lumbar Puncture
I&D of Superficial Abscesses & Hematomas
Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
Emergency Use of Externa
l Temporary Pacemakers
Emergency Treatment of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree Burns
Introduction of NG Tubes
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage

May 26, 2022

Dec 1, 2023