Faculty and Staff
Michael Weitzeil, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM
Program Director

In 2021, the Department of Diagnostic Health and Sciences (DDHS) at UTHSC hired Michael L. Weitzeil, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM to be the Program Director for the newly developing Pathologists’ Assistant Program. Prior to moving to Memphis, Michael spent 6 years as the Clinical Coordinator for the Loma Linda University (LLU) School of Medicine, Pathologists’ Assistant program. While at LLU, not only did he work clinically, but he played an important role in assisting the program through their initial NAACLS accreditation and taught several critical courses in their curriculum.
Michael is a cum laude graduate of the West Virginia University School of Medicine, Pathologists’ Assistant program. He received his Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Weber State University (Ogden, Utah), with minors in Neuroscience and Chemistry. He started his career in Pathology while still an undergraduate, as a Pathology Technician at Intermountain Medical Center in Murry, Utah.
In his free time, Michael is passionate about spending time with his family in the greater outdoors, including hiking, rock climbing, canyoneering, and mountaineering.
To My Future Students
The Personal Teaching Philosophy of Michael L. Weitzeil, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM
The first time I was asked to “gross a colon,” I stood over the surgical specimen at my gross bench as if I had just stepped out of a rocket ship on a far-away planet. I flipped the tissue over, flopped it back, and then I flipped it over again…each time it looked even more foreign. I felt lost and disoriented. This was the earliest memory as a Pathologists’ Assistant student in surgical pathology clinical training that I felt alienated from my education. While I had (indeed, very vigorously and thoroughly) studied and prepared for this moment, I did not feel adequate to pick up my surgical scissors and begin searching for cancer. I had been well prepared by my graduate school instructors, but this felt different. This was real human tissue, with real cancer, awaiting a real diagnosis and it was now my turn. It was in this moment that I faintly recalled one of my professors stating, “…at some point you will have to transition from theory, into practice. Trust what you have learned.” I jotted down some notes, took a deep breath, confirmed the orientation of the tissue, picked up my surgical scissors and made my first cut.
The intentional tissue dissection done by a pathologists’ assistant is deeply rooted in understanding the anatomical relationships of the organs in the human body and the diseases that affect them. The workload and pace of a practicing pathologists’ assistant is often never ending and hurried. Often, the challenge that awaits preemptive students is not the amount of didactic material to learn or the fast pace at which it is introduced, but the transition from theory to practice. It is easy to memorize the different segments of colon and the diseases that affect them but being able to critically think one’s way through the gross dissection of those tissues requires very specific psychomotor skills, mentorship, critical thinking, and knowledge.
As a student of mine, I ask that you arrive early to your classes well-rested, focused, and ready to enthusiastically absorb the curriculum. I will embrace your questions as I lecture and demonstrate laboratory concepts. I feel that it is my responsibility to guide you through your graduate school journey in such a way that everything we do together will prepare you for and emulate your gross groom experience. It is the teachers/mentors who have actively engaged with me and provoked critical thinking that have had the most positive influence on my educational and professional development. I intend to do the same with you.
I love to engage in active, intentionally directed, and knowledge-seeking dialogue with my students. Some of my most fulfilling student engagements have happened in the human cadaver laboratory when a student will be partially completed with a dissection assignment and discover “something” unanticipated. Quickly, they will curiously call me over and ask, “what is this?” fully anticipating a direct response from me. I peer over the cadaver and if I can identify it, I often respond with, “what could it be?” Surprised, the student often responds with some variation of, “I don’t know…that’s why I called you over.” “Ok, let’s look at it together.”
At this point, I take the opportunity to employ techniques used in the gross room to identify a yet-unknown component of the human body. I ask questions that the student might not have thought to ask themselves yet, like: “Which organs are located in this region of the body?” “Can you describe the appearance of this tissue?” “Which organs in this region of the body have an appearance like this?” Once, the student arrives at a conclusion (either correct or incorrect), I do not confirm it. I encourage them to carefully continue dissecting and call me back when they have more definitive information.
“It’s “this”!” they often declare when I am called back to the cadaver table. To which I respond, “What evidence supports your claim?” I listen as they describe how they arrived at their conclusion. If their critically thought-out answer is correct, I take a moment to tell them why I went through all that trouble, “…this is the process which you must learn to utilize daily in the gross room when you encounter complex tissue resections.” As my student, it is my goal (in everything I do) to set the standard of using independent critical thinking to work through a complex question and arrive at an evidence-based conclusion; this learned skill makes for an excellent pathologists’ assistant and I hope to instill it in you in our classroom and laboratory interactions.
As a student of mine you will be closely and regularly assessed while under my tutelage. Assessments will cover cognitive ability, psychomotor skills, professionalism, and the ability to effectively communicate verbally and in writing. Formal and informal assessments will happen regularly, in person, and at the end of each course.
An important component of the evolution of my curriculum and professional capabilities includes embracing honest and constructive feedback from you. Years ago, a student offered constructive criticism about how to organize the laboratory schedule for a course I taught. Her recommendation was a radical way of thinking about the laboratory experience. I thought her recommendation through and asked her to meet and discuss her idea further; I listened as she explained her experience and I quickly became convinced that her recommendation was a much better approach than what had historically been done. She never got to experience the new laboratory sessions because she passed the course, but her constructive feedback has benefited all my students that followed her. Her recommendation, and the recommendations of other students before you, will benefit you too. I welcome constructive feedback and trust that your recommendations may have the ability to enhance the quality of my curriculum and program, help me improve as an instructor and create a better learning experience for my future students. Our ability to be honest and trusting of each other will be the foundation of our professional relationship.
I want you to feel safe in my learning environment. I hope to cultivate a welcoming and inclusive place for all students I interact with. My intention is that you may thrive and be successful in your own unique way. I commit to continually identifying and rectifying my conscious and subconscious biases, privileges, and prejudices to facilitate safe and meaningful interactions for all of my students of differing cultures, social identities, values, beliefs, perspectives, and experiences. I hope that you will feel welcomed, equal, and valued while in my classroom and in the Pathologists’ Assistant program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
Samantha Etters, MS, PA(ASCP)CM
Clinical Coordinator

Samantha brings to the Clinical Coordinator role several years of clinical experience as an ASCP certified Pathologists’ Assistant, with full time positions at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, TN and Erlanger Medical Center in Chattanooga, TN, and as a traveling PathA taking assignments across the country, including at the Cleveland Clinic.
Moreover, Samantha has contributed to the clinical literature through a case study and literature review paper titled, "Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Colon Presenting After Fifteen Years". This work was recognized by the American Association of Pathologists' Assistants (AAPA) and featured in the AAPA publication The Cutting Edge.
In her spare time, Samantha volunteers for the AAPA as the Chair of the Digital Communications subcommittee of the Marketing Communications Committee to help promote and advocate for the PathA profession.
Samantha is a graduate of the Pathologists’ Assistant graduate program at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Communications and Psychology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.
The Personal Teaching Philosophy of Samantha Etters, MS, PA(ASCP)CM
Received fresh, labeled “UTHSC Pathologists’ Assistant Program Student”, is a brand-new student measuring up to the high standards set in the competitive application process. The outer surface of the student is nervous to begin their graduate school degree in a demanding, condensed professional program. Dissection reveals the student is open to the experience and prepared, remarkable for a commitment to becoming a skillful, conscious, and ethical healthcare practitioner. Upon opening the door to the classroom, the student is welcomed into an engaging, inclusive, and active learning environment that is tailored to learning the knowledge and skills they will need not only to practice clinically at the bench, but to also be a valuable member of the Pathologists’ Assistant community and the field of pathology throughout their career. Throughout the student’s time here, the instructor will be transparent, adaptable, and always supportive, providing encouragement every step of the way and beyond their time at UTHSC. The student is entirely submitted, prepared to enter the field, in two short years.
While that might not have made sense to anyone outside my profession, I could not think of a more appropriate way to describe my teaching philosophy as a Pathologists’ Assistant than to provide a gross description following the careful dissection of my goals and beliefs as a teacher. To translate for those not in the pathology field, my primary goals as a teacher are to prepare students to take on the challenges and responsibilities of an entry-level Pathologists’ Assistant, to encourage lifelong learning and community engagement throughout their career, and to foster an inclusive and engaging learning environment that reinforces the ethical principles befitting a future healthcare professional.
My primary goal is ensuring our students are prepared for the responsibilities of their day-to-day work as a Pathologists’ Assistant (PathA). This includes a hands-on, psychomotor skillset, as well as a foundation of knowledge for how, what, and why we do the things we do at the bench and in the autopsy suite. It is not enough to hold a blade and make a cut – using their knowledge of anatomy, as well as of the particular disease process affecting the organ, where exactly should that cut be? At what angle and in which plane to best demonstrate the pathology, or the lack thereof? I recognize that I cannot possibly teach them about every single specimen and pathology they will encounter, so students will be encouraged to build strong critical thinking skills based on the knowledge I have taught them, so that they can make informed decisions and defend every action they take on the job. I don’t want my students to just come away with a step-by-step guide to grossing that they follow like a robot – I want them to have the background knowledge to build the steps as they encounter the specimen depending on what they see in front of them and what they have been taught is important to describe and sample.
Since we can’t teach our students absolutely everything they will encounter in our short time together, the preparedness to continue learning and expanding their skills throughout their career is my secondary goal. Lifelong learning is necessary in the healthcare field to keep up with ever-changing trends in patient care and pathology diagnostics. I will give them the tools and empower them to seek out the answers they do not know. I have seen students struggle with the fact that we will not teach them everything, and the fear that they will receive a specimen they will have not studied before. I let them sit with that feeling for a moment… No, I have not taught you how to proceed with this exact specimen. However, I have taught you what you need to know to get started. You know how to apply your anatomy to orient yourself, you know the important components of a specimen to describe and submit no matter the pathology. You actually do know how to proceed!
In our field, lifelong learning goes hand in hand with sharing their knowledge beyond the bench, and I also encourage my students to be champions for the profession. Pathologists’ Assistants are a young and relatively unknown field, but we have a meaningful and important role in patient care. During my classes, I enjoy sharing content that my fellow PathA colleagues have produced, including case studies, articles, videos, photographs, and other resources, even the Etsy shops of PathAs creating fun goodies for those in our field.
As the role of any healthcare professional requires a commitment to ethical principles and serving everyone in the community no matter the individual, my final goal is to foster an inclusive learning environment. This starts with setting an example in the classroom, where I create an environment where everyone’s perspectives are valued, and in my course material, where I include diverse examples and inclusive language where applicable. In the lab, whether we are using clay, fruit, human or animal tissues to simulate specimens, I encourage students to behave as if there is a real patient on the other end. If they learn in the classroom to have an ethical patient-care-centric mindset from the beginning, I believe they will continue when they have a real human patient specimen in front of them during their clinical rotations and future jobs.
Through these goals, I believe by the time my students are graduating, they will be prepared to take on the challenges of an entry-level Pathologists’ Assistant, be critically-thinking, lifelong learners, and be compassionate members of their communities and ethical healthcare providers.”
Kathleen Reed, MS, PA(ASCP)CM
Education Coordinator

Kathleen is a proud and loyal native of Memphis, TN! She has been an ASCP certified Pathologists’ Assistant (PathA) since 2016 with clinical and academic experiences at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. At both hospitals she spent ample time teaching PathA students how to gross at the bench.
Kathleen graduated from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago, IL with a Master of Science in Pathologists’ Assistant. During her second year of school, she was selected to complete a supplemental rotation in Educational Methodologies where she learned to prepare a comprehensive lecture for first-year PathA students and lead them in laboratory activities. She received a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN and worked as a Medical Laboratory Scientist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN.
When not at work as Education Coordinator, Kathleen likes to travel to new countries with her husband. She is a devoted dog mom to red labs Luna and Bruin! While working, she has always had a passion for caring for the patients and is excited to instill in students that same commitment.