PGY-2 Curriculum
In the second year, residents continue to expand and refine their knowledge and experience of inpatient psychiatric treatment on the inpatient, emergency, and chemical dependency services. They may also have their first experience with consultation and liaison psychiatry on medical wards.
Clinical rotations foster an appreciation of the need for integrated psychiatric services, ranging from inpatient treatment facilities to outpatient care in the community.
Second year residents also begin to follow long-term psychotherapy cases, a process which facilitates their understanding of the changes that can occur over time in the context of the therapeutic relationship. All residents are assigned two faculty members for individual psychotherapy supervision during the second through fourth years of training.
Courses and Seminars
Neuropsychological Disorders (4 weeks)
This course focuses on neuropsychological assessment and the psychological manifestations of dementia, localized brain lesions, and traumatic brain injuries.
Psychological Testing (2 months)
General principles of testing and the indications and limitations of specific psychological tests are discussed. At the end of the course, the residents sit in on the blind examination of several of their own patients by the instructor who gives an analysis of the test results. The resident who works with each patient then presents the degree of fit between these psychological findings and the other sources of data.
Cultural Diversity in Psychiatry (6 weeks)
This seminar provides descriptive information concerning American culture and subcultures. African-American culture is the primary focus in the study of subgroup cultural differences. Parallels between African-American and other subgroup cultures are discussed.
Introduction to Psychotherapy (2 months)
This is an introduction to five general psychosocial models each accounting for why individuals act and think the way they do, and each theory's general recommendations on how to assess and modify such behavior and thought patterns. The theories included are psychoanalysis, existential/humanistic, behavioral, family systems and cognitive approaches. Upon completion each resident should have a basic understanding of these different models and some therapeutic interventions associated with each model.
Introduction to Psychodynamics (4 months)
A study of the principles of psychoanalytic theory and its application to psychotherapy, the course includes an historical survey of major theorists and therapists with emphasis on the importance of the therapist-patient relationship and its influence on the course of therapy.
Psychosomatic Medicine (2 months)
The literature on such topics as psychological aspects of epilepsy, respiratory disturbances, chronic pain, endocrine and eating disorders, and psychoimmunology is reviewed and discussed.
Growth and Development (4 months)
A comprehensive study of the major theories of change and an examination of growth and development, the course concentrates on the prenatal period through adolescence, but also includes a consideration of adulthood, parenthood and old age. A series of readings and films are employed to illustrate the evolution of personality and psychological, biological and moral development of the child.
Statistics and Research (2 months)
Residents learn how to analyze data and interpret statistical analyses in psychiatric research. Each participant masters the course concepts by actually entering data and performing statistical analyses on a computer consisting of a data base that will measure anxiety, depression and leisure habits of patients seen in the clinic over a 5 year period.
Geropsychiatry (2 months)
An overview of normal and abnormal aging, with detailed consideration of depression, paranoid syndromes, and organic mental disorders; community resources in comprehensive mental health care of the aged are emphasized.