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Pre-Health Scholars Program

Program Description

The Pre-Health Scholars Program (PSP) is a six-week program designed to help expose underrepresented students to the health professions at UTHSC. Students spend six weeks gaining valuable clinical knowledge with the College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, and the College of Health Professions. During their time at UTHSC scholars can expect to gain hands on experiences through clinical, classroom, and service-learning activities.

Program Overview

Students gain hands-on exposure to clinical settings and are provided an avenue for reflection and professional development. Students who successfully complete two summers, at the discretion of Health Career Programs staff, will receive GRE, MCAT, DAT, or PACAT test preparation. Scholars can expect weekly seminar sessions, clinical simulation experiences, access to UTHSC resources, capstone project, and clinical shadowing.

  1. Student must have a cumulative GPA 3.0
  2. Must be underrepresented: First-generation, non-traditional, veteran, disclosing a disability, economically disadvantaged, or resident of rural area.
  3. Must be a resident of TN or have a permeant address within 250 miles of Memphis, TN

Required Prerequisites

  1. Current freshmen/rising sophomores must have completed one semester of general biology and/or general chemistry with a lab. One semester of college math is desirable.
  2. Current sophomores/rising juniors must have completed two semesters of general biology and chemistry. One semester of organic chemistry and/or physics is desirable.
  3. Please note that all prerequisites are weighed based on the pre-professional track of the student. We consider the scholars entire academic history in comparison to their interested program.


  1. Student must complete and submit an online application.
  2. You will submit two references with your application. One of those references must be your academic advisor or a science professor. The other reference can be any faculty or staff member at your institution. If you are a transfer student, you can have one of these references from your previous institution.
  3. You will need to visit the National Student Clearing House and order an official transcript. We will need an official transcript from every institution you have earned credit from. The transcript(s) needs to be sent electronically to


Housing is provided to non-local student upon request and based on availability.


Where should I send my official transcript?

Please send official transcripts from current and previously attended colleges and/or universities electronically to If you institution does not subscribe to electronic transcript delivery, please send official transcript to:

Health Career Programs

Attn: Pre-Health Scholars Program

910 Madison Ave., Suite 105

Memphis, TN 38163

I have graduated already with my undergraduate degree. Am I eligible to participate in PSP?

The Pre-Health Scholars Program welcomes all freshmen/rising sophomore, sophomores/rising juniors, and juniors/rising seniors.

I am a high school student interested in the health professions. Am I eligible to participate?

At this time, the Pre-Health Scholars Program is only available to undergraduate students.

Is transportation provided?

All participants must provide transportation to and from the UTHSC campus and their clinical sites(s).

My references have not received the link to complete the recommendation form. What should I do?

Please send an email to with the name and email address of each reference and the link will be resent. If references continue to encounter issues receiving the link, please verify the contact information you provided in your application.

I plan to work and/or take classes this summer. May I still participate in PSP?

The Pre-Health Scholars Program is a demanding program and requires your full attention. We respectfully ask that you do not work, take classes, or participate in other programs at the same time. The program hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday (unless otherwise noted).


PSP Important Dates:

November 1 – Application Opens

February 1 – Application Deadline

April 1 – Acceptance Communicated to students (on or before this date)

April 15 – Deadline to confirm participation

June 9, 2025 – UTHSC PSP Start Date

July 18, 2025 – UTHSC PSP Last Day

Sep 10, 2024