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Travel Request (TR)

  • Complete Travel Request form (TR)
    • Include Personnel Number (6-digit numbers) on TR located on UT ID badge under your picture
    • You must enter presentation information into New Innovations under scholarly activities
  • Maximum reimbursement is $1,500
  • To allow everyone with abstract acceptance the opportunity to travel, only two days of travel will be approved
  • Items needed before submitting TR
    • Visit the conference website and print program, registration and hotel information (must include conference hotel and room rates)
    • Original presentation submission with ALL authors listed
    • Presentation acceptance letter
  • Submit Travel Request form and all requested documentation to Lead Residency Coordinator Program Manager for Program Director’s approval.

Travel Reimbursement

  • All receipts must be submitted within 30 days of travel
  • Ground transportation (Lyft, Taxi, Uber, etc.) ~ Indicate on the receipt or on separate paper the from and to locations (from airport to hotel or from hotel to airport, etc.)
  • In accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-130, airfare reimbursement is limited to economy fare. Economy refers to any class that is not business or first class. Employees may purchase business or first class fare but will be
    reimbursed the cost of economy fare. In such cases, the employee must provide supporting documentation for the cost of the standard economy fare by obtaining a Comparison Quote of the price difference from the same source, using the same carrier, and on the same day the employee purchased the original ticket.
    • If an economy fare is not available, the employee should purchase the ticket through World Travel Services Inc, who will document the lowest cost fare available, and the employee will be reimbursed the amount of such fare.
    • When purchasing a "premium economy ticket" "business select" or "premium select," employees should consult with World Travel Services Inc. because some of the airlines classify these as business or first class fares.
    • ALL receipts must be itemized showing detailed charges and method of payment.

Please do not plan travel until TR is approved.

Sep 3, 2024