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Student Impact and Advocacy Leadership Awards

The Student Impact and Advocacy Leadership Awards (formerly known as the Student Social Justice and Diversity Healthcare Leadership Award) recognizes UTHSC students (i.e., undergraduate/graduate) from the colleges of dentistry, graduate health sciences, health professions, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, whose actions demonstrate impact and advocacy at UTHSC and our community which supports UTHSC’s Strategic Plan.

Impact and Advocacy will be evaluated based on the Strategic Pillars:

  • Engaging Communities
  • Educational Excellence
  • Expanding Research
  • Advancing Health
  • Developing Talent

and will be supported by five cross-cutting and foundational priority areas:

  • Campus Culture and Work Environment
  • Communications
  • Data and Data Governance
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Philanthropy

Dependent on nominations, one finalist from each college may be awarded the Student Impact and Advocacy Leadership Award and will receive a one-time $500.00 stipend for professional development (i.e., conference; webinar; membership; subscription) in the areas of impact and advocacy in healthcare or student healthcare organization conference in addition to a commemorative award. 

Submit a Nomination.

  • Nominations can be made by any faculty member, student, or staff.
  • Self-nominations are accepted. 
  • The nominator is responsible for submission of the Nomination Form and informing the nominee of their nomination.
The 2024 nomination process will be open from Monday, August 26th - Saturday, September 21st. Please nominate via the nomination form.

 To be eligible for this award, the nomination packet must be complete.

The Nomination Packet must include:  

  1. Nomination Form to be completed by the nominator.
  2. SIALA Candidate Form to be completed by the nominee.
  3. 2-4 Reference Evaluations from the nominee’s choice of references.

Nomination Form

  • Nominator’s Contact Information
  • Nominee’s Contact Information
  • Essay question: Explain why this student deserves this award. Provide examples of how their actions highlight impact and advocacy in our campus and the community, as well as how it aligns with UTHSC’s Strategic Plan. (Maximum of 500 words)
  • Nomination form

SIALA Candidate Form

Office of Access and Compliance will contact the nominee and will be required to answer these questions.

  • Consent to participate in the award process.
  • List of nominee’s involvement on campus and the community highlighting impact and advocacy
  • Names of references that can evaluate the student.
    • At least 1 staff or faculty member
    • Minimum of 2 names
    • Maximum of 4 names
  • Essay question: Explain why you deserve this award. Provide examples of how your actions highlight impact and advocacy in our campus and the community, as well as how it aligns with UTHSC’s Strategic Plan. (maximum of 1000 words)

Reference Evaluation

References will receive an email from the award liaison/OAC representative with a short form requesting their feedback on the nominee. Nominees are encouraged to contact the references to let them know to expect an email from the award liaison/OAC representative. It is important that nominees select references who will be able to complete the evaluation as incomplete nomination packets will not be considered.

Nomination Packers will be reviewed and ranked by the review committee. One finalist from each college may be selected as the awardee and will be announced at the UTHSC Impact Awards Ceremony on Friday, December 13, 2024. This ceremony will be hybrid and open to friends, family, and other members of the UTHSC community near and far!

Aug 12, 2024