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GME Payroll Procedures






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The University is on a monthly payroll system.  Residents in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Graduate Medical Education Program participate in the Social Security Program and pay taxes . The current employee FICA (Social Security) deduction is 7.65%. 

Payday for Residents and Fellows is is the last working day of each month. Direct deposit is mandatory for all employees.  For those Residents and Fellows officially starting training on July 1, 2024, the first pay check will be issued on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  For those starting on August 1, 2024, the first pay check will be Friday, August 30, 2024.  For those meeting all onboarding deadlines and attending required sessions, you will also receive your extra $950 in stipends on your first check.  Your insurance deductions for your first month on payroll will come out of that paycheck.  Your insurance coverage begins on the first day you actual are participating in your clinical GME duties (not orientation sessions prior to your first day on duty).

Payroll Changes

All payroll changes including:

Any request for changes must be received in the Chattanooga GME Office by the 15th of the given month to be processed and effective during that pay period (send to, GME Financial Coordinator.

Changes received after the 15th will be effective on the following pay period.

Changes may be retroactive to the first of the given month or effective the 1st of the following month depending on the change.

For those Residents interested in tax deferred contributions, you should contact Charlton Gutierrez, Empower Advisor at, cell phone:  901.623.6917 to navigate your money and forms.  Please remember that as "Special Employees," Residents and Fellows 

Last Published: May 14, 2024