Central Cash Deposits
Byron Porter
Tammi Redmond
Accounting Assistant
Deposit Procedures for Year-End Closing
The following information is to assist you in recording funds received at year-end into the appropriate fiscal year. Funds received by June 30 are to be receipted as June 30 each fiscal year.
The IRIS document and deposit slip should clearly indicate that it is a deposit for that fiscal year. Funds received in the department on July 1 are receipted for the following fiscal year, regardless of the date shown on the remittance check.
Funds for two fiscal years cannot be combined on one document and/or one deposit slip.
Funds deposited for the current fiscal year must be on one deposit slip and documents with the following fiscal year must be on separate documents. Departments who fail to separate the two years will be requested to send someone to the Cashier’s Office to correct the deposit.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Byron Porter at 448.4847 or Tammi Redmond at 448.6773.
Availability of deposit tickets and receipt books
Please call, email the Cashier's Office or come to 103 Hyman Building to pick up deposit
tickets or receipt books as needed. Receipt books must be signed for by an authorized
employee of the department. For information concerning deposit bags, please call or
email the Cashier's Office. We reserve the right to limit the number issued at one
time if necessary.