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Evaluation and Assessment Data Dashboard

These reports are available for the purpose of program evaluation and assessment. The information contained in these reports is used for quality improvement and to monitor achievement toward the Medical Education Program Objectives. Report access is governed by the guidelines below.

About the Data Sources

  • AAMC Matriculating Student Questionnaire (MSQ)
    • Administered Jun-Aug Preceding Matriculation
  • AAMC Year Two Questionnaire (Y2Q)
    • Administered Oct-Nov of M2 Year
  • AAMC Graduation Questionnaire (GQ)
    • Administered Feb-Mar of M4 year
  • AAMC Resident Readiness Survey
    • Administered to residency program directors annually
  • Course Evaluations
  • End of Year Survey (EOY
    • Administered annually to all students. Replaces the M1L, PS1, M3L, and PMQ.
  • M1 Longitudinal Survey (M1L)
    • Mini-GQ administered at end of M1 year
  • Post-Step 1 Survey (PS1)
    • Administered in partnership with SASSI in May after the USMLE Step 1 Exam
  • M3 Longitudinal Survey (M3L)
    • Mini-GQ administered at end of M3 year
  • Post-Match Questionnaire
    • Brief supplement to GQ, administered in partnership with GME to graduating seniors in April
  • Independent Student Analysis (ISA)
    • Conducted by students for the Institutional Self-Study

Data Collection Timeline

Four-year timeline of the Medical Education Program with markers for each survey and exam listed in Data Sources.

Access & Governance

Report Access & Data Governance

The reports on this page are primarily intended for the purpose of program evaluation. With few exceptions, most of the reports present summarized data in aggregate in order to ensure student response confidentiality while providing critical data for program quality improvement. Considering the sensitivity and complexity of the data, those with access are expected to use reports responsibly with consideration of potential misinterpretation or detrimental consequences. Access is governed according to the following guidelines:

  • Survey responses are de-identified and aggregated prior to inclusion in reports.
  • Course evaluations must have a minimum of 5 responses before a report is generated. Block reports are combined until the minimum requirement is met.
  • Course evaluation reports are available to department chairs, course directors, clerkship coordinators, and pre-clinical faculty--for each of their respective courses. Individual instructors are not able to see ratings and comments for other individual instructors. Faculty can only see their own ratings and comments in addition to the overall course ratings and comments.
  • Comments in survey reports are summarized in an effort to ensure student anonymity.
  • All SAGE, CUME, CMDCS, CSS, and MSEC committee members (including students) are allowed access to view the survey reports (MSQ, M1L, Y2Q, PS1, M3L, and GQ), national exam reports (USMLE, NBME) and any other dashboards containing aggregate & summarized data. Individual student responses and scores are not contained in these reports.
  • The Clerkship Grading dashboard is only available to clerkship directors and coordinators.
  • All reports and dashboards are available to deans.
  • Additional individuals who request data must demonstrate a "need to know" in order to gain access.

To request access to any of the reports, contact Laura Wright at

Additional Resources

Student Feedback Policy

Receiving substantive and representative feedback from students about the curriculum, instructors, and learning environment is a critical component of our CQI process of identifying program strengths and opportunities to improve the educational experience for future generations of students. Learning to give and receive feedback is an integral part of developing professional skills students will need as future physicians. It is the policy of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) College of Medicine (COM) that students fulfill their professional responsibility to provide honest and constructive feedback by completing all assigned evaluations and surveys. View policy. Also, watch our guide to providing quality feedback.

Lecture Feedback

The Support and Advisory Group for Evaluation (SAGE) has developed a simple survey instrument to enable lecturers and course directors to capture student feedback on any given lecture. The questions and format can be administered online or by paper.

Sep 4, 2024