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Program Leadership

Balaji Krishnaiah, MD

Residency Program Director, Vice Chair of Education

Associate Professor

Cheran Elangovan, MD

Assistant Program Director - Education

Assistant Professor

Saji Bushnaq, MD

Assistant Program Director - Wellness

Assistant Professor

Nitin Goyal, MD

Assistant Program Director For Research

Assistant Professor


Three residents from PGY 4 year are selected for this position. They are nominated by the program leadership, faculty and junior residents. Their main role is organizing lecture schedule with the help of our APD Dr. Krishnaiah, overseeing the block schedule and assisting the junior residents in their education and other activities.

resident photo

Mohammad Alzayadneh, MD
Administrative Chief

resident photo

Reem El-Ghawanmeh, MD
Education Chief

resident photo

Ali Abualhayja'a, MD
Wellness Chief

Wellness Committee

 The purpose of the Resident Wellness Committee is to advocate and promote a healthier environment, and also to ensure emotional well-being of our residents by providing activities and support that will result in healthier lifestyles. The goals of the committee include: 

  • Increasing awareness and factors contributing to burn out
  • Inspiring and empowering residents to take responsibility for their own health and to make healthier lifestyle choices
  • Increasing energy and decreasing stress

Our GME has a specific emphasis on physician wellness.

Recruitment Committee 

Resident representatives to provide the best experience for applicants applying to the adult neurology program and providing program leadership assistance in recruitment efforts during each interview season.

Quality Improvement Chairs

 A quality improvement (QI) project is a focused and systematized effort to achieve better outcome of a given process. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) sets standards on the integration of quality improvement (QI) activities into graduate medical education. Our residents are encouraged to participate in QI projects through their residency and the faculty guides them in the process.

GME PSQI Mission Statement

UTHSC GME also offers a certificate program in QI and clinical investigation.

Event Planning Chairs

Plan events and parties for the program to promote wellness and continue the family nature of our program!

TMA Resident and Fellow Section Governing Council

During the 2021-2022 academic year, we have a resident who was chosen to represent as a Governing Council Member in Professional Relations.

AAN Neurology on the Hill

2020 – Rena Sukhdeo, MD
2021 – Brittany Kasturiarachi, DO

AAN Palatucci Advocacy Leadership

Our residents are encouraged to participate in AAN’s advocacy and leadership activities including AAN Neurology on the Hill, Palatucci Advocacy Leadership, Enhanced Residents Leadership Programs, and other leadership programs available to them.

Last Published: Nov 5, 2024