Resident Wellness
Health and Wellness (GME #250) | Aid for Impaired Resident (GME #260) | Work Hours (GME #310) | Fatigue Management (GME #315) | Sexual Harassment (GME #330) | Tennessee Medical Foundation Physician's Health Program | ACP Physician Well-Being and Burnout Tools
Please feel free to reach out to any of our Department of Neurology Wellness Committee members, whether a trainee or attending, with any concerns about your mental health or if you have concerns about a colleague or friend, if you just need to talk, or have questions about the resources available. We are always here!
- Ali Abualhayja'a. MD (Chief Resident)
- Daniela Orellana Zambrano, MD
- Vamsi Gorijala, MD
- Saji Bushnaq, MD (Associate Program Director of Wellness