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Global Initiatives

Dr. Sara Day works closely with the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) Baseline Nursing Standards Special Interest Group and serves as co-chair of that organization's research pillar. She is the first author of manuscripts published in Lancet Oncology, Cancer Control, and Journal of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Nursing describing the development and evaluation of the SIOP Nursing Standards. The standards are published in eight languages and are being implemented at 49 sites in 29 countries.

The partnership with the SIOP Nursing Network provides support for implementation of the Global Quality Improvement Nursing Scholars Program led by Dr. Marilyn Hockenberry, Professor of Pediatrics, Director of Global Hope, Baylor College of Medicine.

The Quality Improvement Nursing Scholars Program provides a foundation for understanding quality improvement as an interdisciplinary approach to improving care. Essential components that support a clinical culture of excellence are emphasized including using the evidence-based practice process. Quality metrics, data collection, and analytic techniques are discussed in relation to QI initiatives.

Course Objectives
  1. 1. Review essential attributes of quality Improvement and its role in healthcare systems.
  2. Explore QI designs to improve care for a cancer/hematologic problem.
  3. Learn how to write SMART specific aims.
  4. Evaluate ways to influence change to improve care quality (how to move change).
  5. Define key components for measuring practice change.
  6. Study the RE-AIM framework for evaluating QI effectiveness.
Aug 8, 2024