Post Pediatric Portal Fellowship
UTHSC welcomes physicians who have completed training in an ACGME approved pediatric residency to apply to this 3 year program in which 18 months are completed in General Psychiatry and 18 months in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. This is an ABPN approved program, and the successful graduate will be board eligible in both General Adult and CAP Psychiatry.
The Post Pediatric Portal Fellowship program incorporates both faculty from the Child and Adolescent Fellowship program and the Psychiatry Residency program.

Andres Ramos, MD
Program Director of Post Pediatric Portal Fellowship

Valerie Arnold, MD
Assistant Program Director of Post Pediatric Portal Fellowship
The PPP fellow will be doing rotations at the same ACGME approved sites as the adult residents and CAP fellows.
Year 1
5 months adult psychiatry track will start with 5 months of inpatient adult psychiatry, 1 months of addiction psychiatry, 1 month of geriatrics, 5 months of Child psychiatry.
Year 2
Adult outpt / CAP outpt
Year 3
1 month of Pedi Neuro /Child CL/ CAP outpatient
Year 1
1 month of Pedi Neuro /Child CL/ CAP outpatient
Year 2
CAP outpt/ Adult outpt
Year 3
5 months of Inpatient General adult psychiatry , 5 months of Child psychiatry , 1 month of addiction, 1 month of geriatric psychiatry
Current Fellow
Marisara Morales-Ortiz, MD
I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I completed medical school in Ross University and moved back to my hometown to complete my Pediatric Residency at Saint Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Ponce. I worked as an Outpatient Pediatrician for 2 years and I will be starting my Post Pediatric Portal Fellowship in July 2022. "Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about"- Winston Churchill
Being the first Post-Pediatric Portal fellow has been a wonderful journey! I have been able to build on my experiences in pediatrics and to expand my scope of practice in mental health. The fellowship is three years long, which is comparable to most pediatric subspecialties. At the end of the fellowship, I will be board-eligible for both General Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, in addition to already being boarded in Pediatrics. I spend half of each year in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry rotations, and half of the year in General Psychiatry rotations. The faculty members of both divisions are very supportive and committed to teaching. The program itself is focused more on teaching and education rather than service; we are able to see plenty of patients, but there is also ample time dedicated to learning and didactics. Memphis is a wonderful city for training, since it is large enough to provide a wide range of clinical experiences, but small enough to be affordable and easily navigated. The fellowship program allows a good work-life balance, with hours similar to the outpatient pediatric primary care clinic where I had been working before starting the fellowship. I am very excited about the career opportunities that will be available to me after I have completed this fellowship.
Mary Kay Bartek, MD, FAAP