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Zoom Instructions for Tutors

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to
  2. Click "Create or Edit Account" and enter your UTHSC netID and password
  3. Click "Edit" at the top-right area of the profile page
  4. Type "UTHSC" in the Company/Organization box and click "Save Changes"
    • On the account profile page, a mouse pointer moves across the screen and clicks the "Edit" link. The mouse pointer then clicks inside the box labeled "Company/Organization name" and the text "UTHSC" is typed in. The mouse pointer then click the "Save Changes" button.
  5. Go to and click on "Zoom Client for Meetings" to download and open/run/install
  6. Once you open/run Zoom, click "Sign in," click "Login with SSO," and type in the SSO URL box and then sign in with your UTHSC netID (if you are using a Windows PC, you might have to scroll up to see the login boxes)
    • The mouse pointer clicks the "Sign in" button, a new window opens and the mouse pointer clicks the button at the top labeled "SSO Login with SSO." A new window opens up with a text box and "" is typed into the text box and the mouse pointer clicks the "Continue" button.
  7. Once signed into the Zoom application, click on the "Meetings" tab at the bottom and send your 10-digit Personal Meeting ID (PMI) number (see image below) to Academic Success Learning Specialist Dr. Laura Battle at
  8. Click the "edit" button and adjust the settings to make sure they match the image below and then check the box labeled "Always use PMI for instant meetings on this computer."
    • The mouse pointer clicks the "edit" button and a settings window opens with the PMI displayed at the top. The mouse pointer clicks the "off" radio button for the "Participant" option, the "Voip Only" radio button for the "Audio Options," and checks the "Enable join before host" box under "Meeting Options." The "require meeting password" box remains unchecked. The mouse pointer then clicks "Save."


Using Zoom for Tutoring at UTHSC

  1. Once you are ready to begin a session, open Zoom on your computer and click the orange "Start with video" button or "Start without video," depending on if you want to use your webcam (the webcam can be turned off/on later after you begin the session)
    1. If it asks if you want to join your audio by computer or phone, choose "Join Audio by Computer" and check the box if you don't want it to prompt you every time.
  2. Click the "Manage Participants" tab > "More" > "Mute On Entry"
    • The mouse pointer clicks on the "Manage Participants" tab at the bottom of the window and then clicks on the "More" menu in the bottom-right of the window and finally clicks "Mute on Entry" from the "More" menu. Then the mouse pointer clicks "Mute all" at the bottom-left of the window."
    • During the session, some students might accidentally turn on their webcam or unmute their microphone, causing distraction or audio feedback. If that happens, you can manually mute them or turn off their webcam by right-clicking their name in the Participants window or clicking the "Mute All" button.
  3. Don't forget to click the "Record" button when you are ready to start the session
  4. When you are finished with the session, click "End Meeting" and "End Meeting for All" and the recording will automatically save.
    1. When the recording is finished processing, it should open to the folder where it is contained and should be named something like "zoom_0" (it will generate a different "zoom_#" file for each recording during the session -- there usually should only be 1 unless you make more than one recording). You can open the zoom_# mp4 file if you want to make sure the recording is good before you send it.
  5. Send the mp4 recording file to using UT Vault at
    1. The file should usually be in My Documents > Zoom > (folder of today's date) > "zoom_#"
    2. Please leave the mp4 recording file on your computer until Sarah responds confirming successful receipt


If you have any questions, please contact us at or check out the UTHSC Zoom Knowledge Base.

Aug 12, 2024