Pharmacy Faculty Organization (PFO)
The Pharmacy Faculty Organization (PFO) consists of all Faculty who participate in the academic governance of the College of Pharmacy. The purpose of the PFO is to facilitate communication among faculty members and College leadership.
Elected Faculty Representatives

Governing Bylaws
The PFO leadership shall consist of a total of six elected representatives. Three representatives will be elected (excluding Chairs and Deans) by and from the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science Faculty with one member being chosen from each campus. Two representatives will be elected by and from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty, one at-large Faculty officer will be elected from either department or campus. Terms shall be two years and staggered.
At the beginning of each academic year, the PFO elected representatives shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for a term of one year.
Faculty interested in running for PFO should contact Shaun Rowe, Director of Faculty Affairs at