Student Organizations
Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)
The Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is the American Pharmacists Association
(APhA) student division. It has over 30,000 members from all the schools and colleges
of pharmacy in the US. APhA-ASP's mission is to be the collective voice of student
pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, and to envision and
actively promote the future of pharmacy.
The University of Tennessee's student chapter of APhA-ASP is the largest on campus and one of the most active chapters nationwide. Our commitment to patient care projects and outreach programs has earned us the distinction of being named Chapter of the Year or Divisional Chapter of the Year for many consecutive years, making us the only chapter to achieve such a feat. We attribute our success to the passion and dedication of our members and the gratitude of the patients we serve.
Faculty Advisors: Leslie Hamilton, PharmD, Kelsey Frederick, PharmD, and Chasity Shelton, PharmD.
UTHSC APhA-ASP WebsiteAPhA-ASP WebsiteAmerican Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists- Student Chapter (AAPS)
The AAPS-Graduate Student Chapter at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center
College of Pharmacy, was initiated in July 2003 when it split from the umbrella Southern
Regional Student Chapter. The chapter has over 40 members, divided into four active
committees working toward various goals. The chapter aims to foster the professional
development of its members, advance the community’s awareness of professions in the
pharmaceutical sciences, and promote social growth and interaction among its members.
The members meet monthly to review and plan chapter activities.
Joining AAPS as a student member can provide you with valuable resources to advance your career in pharmaceutical sciences. You can access mentors and resume advisors, connect with other student members, save money on meetings and workshops, apply for fellowships and grants, and build a professional network.
Faculty Advisor:Hassan Almoazen, PhD
AAPS WebsiteChristian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI)
CPFI is a worldwide ministry of individuals working in all pharmaceutical service and practice areas. Their mission is to serve Christ and the world through pharmacy.
As a direct reflection of the national core values of CPFI, the UT Health Science Center College of Pharmacy Student Chapter seeks to provide fellowship among like-minded professionals, challenge and promote spiritual growth, encourage the advancement of knowledge and ethics in the practice of pharmacy, encourage evangelism and integration of faith into practice, and provide support and opportunity of service in both home and foreign missions.
Faculty Advisor: Chris Finch, PharmD
CPFI Website
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Incorporated
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Incorporated is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world. There are 110 Collegiate and 81 Graduate Chapters across the United States and Canada, and that number continues to grow with each passing year. The Psi Chapter at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is one of the largest chapters in the country, with over 200 members.
Kappa Psi's mission is to develop leaders with a passion for service to their community while creating lifelong professional connections.
Faculty Advisor: Karl Kodweis, PharmD
Kappa Psi WebsitePharmacy Student Government Association
The purpose of the Pharmacy Student Government Association is to represent the student body in various settings within the College of Pharmacy and the UTHSC campus. Composed of leaders from each pharmacy student organization on campus, the PSGA provides continuity of programs and activities between the different student groups within the College of Pharmacy.
Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity
Based in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, the Omega Chapter of Phi
Delta Chi is the premier branch of the nation’s largest pharmacy fraternity. The
mission of Phi Delta Chi is to develop leaders that will advance the pharmacy profession.
In this realm, the Omega Chapter has frequently received many national awards, including
the Thurston Cup, Leadership report, Brotherhood report, Scholarship report, Chapter
publication, and Window Display. In addition to many awards, the Omega chapter has
the luxury of being located near the National philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital. This allows us to work closely with them and better understand the patient
population they work with.
Faculty Advisor: Kirk Hevener, PharmD, PhD
Phi Delta Chi WebsitePhi Lambda Sigma
Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the National Pharmacy Leadership Society, aims to
promote the development of leadership qualities, mainly among pharmacy students. The
Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities through peer recognition.
Since membership cuts across fraternal and organizational lines, it does not compete
with other pharmacy organizations. Phi Lambda Sigma honors leadership and members
are chosen based on peer recognition and faculty recommendation. Being recognized
as a leader by one's peers is the greatest honor an individual can receive. Such recognition
instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages less active students to take a more
active role, and promotes greater effort towards advancing pharmacy.
Faculty Advisor:Joe Swanson, PharmD
Phi Lambda Sigma WebsiteRho Chi Honor Society
The Rho Chi Society encourages and acknowledges excellence in intellectual achievement
and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. The society seeks to promote
its members as lifelong intellectual leaders in pharmacy and as a community of scholars
to instill the desire to pursue intellectual excellence and critical inquiry to advance
the profession.
Members are selected based on their grade point average (GPA). The top 15% of each class are accepted after completing three semesters, and an additional 5% are accepted after completing the fifth semester.
The high standards maintained for membership in Rho Chi have led to widespread recognition of the Society by the pharmacy profession and the academic world in general. Since 1947, the Society has been a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.
Faculty Advisor: Ted Cory, PharmD, PhD
Rho Chi Society Website
Student College of Clinical Pharmacists
Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP) promotes careers and opportunities within the field of clinical pharmacy, advocates the role of clinical pharmacists within healthcare and helps members develop skills and knowledge to build confidence within an interdisciplinary team.
The SCCP chapter is designed with student-directed programming that focuses on clinical pharmacy. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in clinical pharmacy or are simply curious about the field, SCCP is here to enhance your understanding. Join SCCP for clinical pharmacy learning experiences, networking opportunities, and many student-focused ACCP perks.
Faculty Advisors: Kelly Rogers, PharmD, Joel Marrs, PharmD. and Shawn Rowe, PharmD
Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA)
The Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) has 90 chapters on pharmacy
school campuses throughout the United States, and the University of Tennessee chapter
is the largest among them. As pharmacy students, they learn how to optimize medication
therapy, and the SNPhA members take pride in using their knowledge to help people
in their communities get better results from their medications. Their efforts have
been recognized nationally, and the University of Tennessee SNPhA chapter has won
more Chapter of the Year awards than any other chapter. The SNPhA welcomes new members
to join them in making a difference outside of the classroom.
Faculty Advisors: Katherine March, PharmD, Memphis; Ken Hohmeier, PharmD, Nashville; Tyler Melton, PharmD, Knoxville.
SNPhA WebsiteTennessee Society of Student Pharmacists (TSSP)
The Tennessee Society of Student Pharmacists (TSSP) is a student-run branch of the
Tennessee Pharmacists Association (TPA). It acts as the voice of student pharmacists
in the state of Tennessee. The society aims to promote the growth of the pharmacy
profession through policy initiatives in state legislature, improve the health and
welfare of Tennesseans, provide personal and professional development opportunities,
advocate for excellence in pharmacy education, and encourage continued involvement
and leadership in organizations after graduation.
Faculty Advisor: James Wheeler, PharmD
TSSP Website