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Learning Support

Research (for example with closed captioning) indicates that providing multiple options for accessing and engaging with materials, projects and learning experiences is educationally valuable to both instructors and students. These various third party resources provide academic support options which motivate and enable all students and teachers to more likely attain intended outcomes. Our Universal Design for Learning and Instruction page provides a multitude of ideas and resources to better support all students in your course via course and learning environment design and teaching, learning and assessment strategies.

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the law governing accessibility of information technology (IT) in the Federal government. Learn about Section 508 to understand how to meet your obligations to develop, procure and deliver accessible IT products, systems and content. Additionally the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 provide further recommendations for web content (which includes our learning management systems).

Please visit the Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion (SASSI) office for focused student support at UTHSC. 



The goal of the Higher Education Resource Hub is to provide a comprehensive collection of information resources in the field of higher education throughout the world.



Des Moines University offers a fast and easy way to learn medical words and meanings. The Medical Terminology Course allows you to learn the basics of what makes up medical terms.



MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.

Universal Design & Access


CAST is a nonprofit organization that focuses on expanding learning opportunities for all individuals via providing resources, tools and guidance for increased accessibility and learning.


With Google Docs, you can write, edit, collaborate and share wherever you are.


Google Slides, enables you to create, edit, collaborate, and present wherever you are.


Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment.


UDL on Campus provides useful guidelines for developing curricula, selecting materials and creating learning environments that takes into account the wide variability of learners in higher education environments.

Reading and Writing



Google Translate instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.


The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material. Users will find information to assist with many writing projects, research and citation. Teachers and students may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instructional activities.


Two options are offered here: 1. Speechnotes is a free speech-enabled online notepad in a distraction-free environment. 2. Voice Notepad which is simple to use, copy, save, publish and tweet. Both have multiple language options.


Wordtalk is a free text-to-speech plugin for Microsoft Word. It will act as a 'text reader' and create a spoken sound version of the text in the document and read it back to you as it highlights the words.


The Writing Center is a great resource from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. It is a comprehensive online tool to assist anyone with writing, reviews, job applications, research papers, dissertations, etc.


Jun 5, 2024