Aural Rehabilitation

Children with hearing loss who wear amplification need treatment in order to maximize their listening skills. Providers who have experience in working with deaf and hard-of-hearing children should carry out this type of treatment, called Aural (Re)habilitation. These services can begin as soon as your child begins to wear amplification. (Yes, babies benefit from these services too!)
UTHSC has a team of Speech-Language Pathologists who will work closely with your child’s
Audiologist to provide comprehensive aural (re)habilitation therapy that focuses on
improving listening and spoken language skills. Please click here for additional information about our Aural (Re)habilitation services for children.

Hearing loss can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. Aural
rehabilitation (AR) services at UTHSC can help our adult patients: adjust to hearing
loss; make the best use of their amplification; explore the benefit of assistive devices;
and achieve individualized listening and communication goals. AR services are available
one-on-one, in a support group setting, or a combination of both.
Services may include but are not limited to:
- Counseling and education regarding your hearing loss and its effect on communication, relationships, and performance in school and/or work
- Establishment of effective communication strategies for you and your family
- Evaluation and fitting of hearing aids and/or assistive devices that will address your unique listening needs and on-going monitoring of those devices to ensure effectiveness
- Evaluation of the need for alerting devices to maintain safety
- Direct collaboration with UTHSC speech-language pathologists
- Access to at-home programs/activities to improve listening skills
Patient Testimonial:
“The audiologists, staff, and students are wonderful to work with. They love to make a difference for those who have challenges with hearing loss.” - Laurie Pullins, Knoxville, UTHSC patient who also attends the Knoxville Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association
Hearing and Balance Services
Resources:Adult AR Support Groups: |