Emergency Medicine - Chattanooga
Message from the Program Director

Welcome to the Emergency Medicine Residency at the UT College of Medicine Chattanooga!
We have an outstanding program that believes in providing excellent care for patients and engaging education for our medical students and residents. Our program (the first EM residency in the University of Tennessee system) prepares residents for the future of medical care while providing them the flexibility to explore and pursue their career plans.
Two aspects of our program make it unique. First is our facility: the Erlanger Health System is a well-run healthcare system. Erlanger is chartered under a county health authority but operates efficiently as an urban, community and academic medical center across six locations in Tennessee and western North Carolina. Our main campus in downtown Chattanooga sees over 90,000 adult and pediatric patients yearly and is the only Level I trauma center within a 120-mile radius.
Erlanger is also one of the largest stroke centers in the country. Erlanger is undergoing a renaissance of growth with new centers of excellence in Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Gastroenterology, Orthopaedic Surgery, and Oncology as well as a new state-of-the-art Children’s Hospital Outpatient Facility.
Erlanger Health System provides a tremendous variety of patients and a wealth of learning experiences. Our Emergency Department is preparing for the future of value-based care with the implementation of patient navigators and case management workers within the department. Emergency Medicine is well respected as a department, and we have excellent interdepartmental and interdisciplinary working relationships.
The second major aspect of our program is our faculty. We have a diverse faculty with a range of interests and experiences that help guide our students and residents. We have started fellowships in Emergency Medicine Ultrasound and Emergency Medical Services, and we have an active HBO/Wound Care Center. We run the EMS programs for the entire 14 county region. Members of our department serve in a variety of leadership roles within the hospital and continue to be active in changing the future of our specialty.
The Emergency Medicine Residency at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga and Erlanger Health System is a vibrant academic department that provides an outstanding experience for our students, residents, staff, and patients.