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Agenda for Senate Meetings

Faculty Senate meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month in the GEB in room A204 at 4:00 pm. There is no regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting in July or August.

The Agenda for upcoming Faculty Senate Meetings along with important attachments will be forwarded to the email address of all Faculty Senators a few days prior to the meeting

Before the meeting, please read any attachments that were emailed to all Senators.

Order of Business for Regular Faculty Senate Meetings

At regular meetings of the Faculty Senate, the order of business is ordinarily the following:

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Annual Report 
  3. Correspondence and Announcements
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. Reports of Committees
  6. New Business
  7. Announcement of Time and Place of Next Meeting
  8. Adjournment
Feb 12, 2025