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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Dacosta, Anna-maria MCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Dalal, AjayCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Dalal, Arjun NicholasCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dalgo, AustinCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssociate Professor
Davidoff, AndyCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryProfessor
Dazzo, AlessandraCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyProfessor
Dervishi, AdnanCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Dhanasekaran, AnuradhaCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchProfessor
Diaz Thomas, Alicia MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds EndocrinologyProfessor
Dizon, MitchCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Dopico, Alex MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyProfessor And Chair
Dye, AlyssaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds EndocrinologyAssistant Professor
Dyer, Andrew W.College of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Depp, Amanda CCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Dorai Raju, AnandCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Davenport, Athena SCollege of Medicine - MemphisGenetics, Genomics & InformaticsAssociate Professor
Drake, Alexandra KayCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Instructor
Dagen, BrettCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Dale, BriannaCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Daley, Brian JCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryProfessor And Associate D
Daniels, AldenCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyInstructor
Dart, Ben W.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryProfessor And Chair
Davis, Brenta GCollege of Health ProfessionsDiagnostic and Health SciencesProfessor/Emeritus
Dempsey, Buckley KCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantAssistant Professor
Dennis, Bradley MCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Donegan, Brett TylerCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Donesky, Barry WCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Dubray, BarbaraCollege of Health ProfessionsDiagnostic and Health SciencesProfessor Emeritus
Dudley, Bunyan StepheCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Duncan-cody, BarbaraCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Dye, Mary EvaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Duhart Jr, Benjamin TCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssociate Professor
Daniels, Calvin ClayCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Davidson, AaronCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Diaz, ClaroCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Dodd, ChrisCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantClinical Instructor
Doucet, Cassandra AnnCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Drago, CarlCollege of DentistryRestorative DentistryAssistant Professor
Dunlap, Christopher DCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Darby, Dina GCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareAsst Professor
Dedmon, Diana D.College of NursingCommunity & Population HealthAssistant Professor And D
Deneka, David AlanCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Desiderio, Dominic MCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyProfessor Emeritus
Diangelo, Denis JCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryUTHSC Distinguished Profe
Dill, DrewCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Dishmon, Dwight AnthonyCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Distefano, Deborah RCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Dixon, DougCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchAssociate Dean And Chair
Doty, Daniel HadenCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Decross, Emily ChoiCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyAssistant Professor
Deschepper, EdCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryProfessor
Dias, Eduardo CoelhoCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dierkes, ElizabethCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Dobish, EmileeCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GeneralAssociate Professor
Dressel, EvanCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Driscoll, Elizabeth Barron SheffeyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Dalton, Frank TCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Demontis, FabioCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssistant Professor
Domingo, Fernando EnrCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Plastic SurgeryInstructor
Donovan, Francis DaniCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Dabov, Gregory DCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Damron, Giles BennettCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Dao, Hai ThanhCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Donato, Heather OcainCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Doss, Habib HalimCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dweik, Husni WCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Draper, Heather HCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Dieter Iii, Raymond ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryProfessor
Donkor, Isaac OCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor
Dragatsis, IoannisCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyProfessor
Dale, James BCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med Infectious DiseasesProfessor Emeritus
Daggett, JustinCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Danford, Jill MCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Dattilo, Jeffery BCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationProfessor
Delong, JonathanCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Desai, JenishCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceInstructor
Dewane, JoeCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Dick, James AlfredCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Dinitto, Julie MCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssistant Professor
Dorizas, John AngeloCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssociate Professor
Doty, JesseCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssociate Professor
Dovgalyuk, JacquelineCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Downey, JoshCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Drake, Jay.College of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Du, JianyangCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssociate Professor
Davis, JeanCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Davidson, JenniferCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeonatologyAssociate Professor
Damallie, Kushna KumaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Daniels, Kori ElizabeCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Daniel, Kristin JoyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Davis, Kelly ArielCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dean, KrisCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineAssociate Professor
Decolibus, Katherine ACollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssociate Professor & Dir
Derefinko, Karen JCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineAssociate Professor
Djernes, Karisten RocCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Dorsett, KatieCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Dale, BarryCollege of Health ProfessionsPhysical TherapyProfessor And Chair
Daigle, Leigh ECollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Ditta, Lauren ClaireCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyAssociate Professor
Dobrunz, Lynn EllenCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyProfessor And Chair
Duncan, Lisa DCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyClinical Associate Pro
Denney, LindseyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Davis, MichaelCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssociate Professor
Dehghan, MojdehCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryProf. & Assoc. Dean Of St
Dejos, Michael CCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Deroche, Michael EdwaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Derrer, MeganCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeonatologyAssistant Professor
Deshazo, Matthew DCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dickey, Mary JaneCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Dixon, Melissa AmberCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Dortch, Marcus J.College of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Dragutsky, Michael SCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med GastroenterologyAssistant Professor
Dress, Matthew ACollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Dugdale, MarionCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineProfessor Emeritus
Dyer, Michael ACollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyProfessor
Downs, TonyCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Delboy, Nancy JaneCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dieringer, Nicholas JCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dyer, Nakeshi LCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Daniels, Negar SharifiCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Dunlap, NatalieCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Delozier, OliviaCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryAssistant Professor
Damp, Peter HCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Das, PranabCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssociate Professor
Dassow, PaulCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineProfessor
Deversa, Peter RogerCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Dickson, Paxton VCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Surgical OncologyProfessor
Dingeldein, Patricia PCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Dir
Dubin, TriciaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds PulmonologyAssociate Professor
Duvvuri, Padmaraj DatCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Dycus, Paula KCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Instructor
Daker, RashadCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyAssistant Professor
Dave, Raj ChhotalalCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Davis, RandyCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Davis, Robert LowellCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds CBMIProfessor
Depersio, Richard JCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Associate Pro
De Souza, Rowena AnneCollege of Medicine - MemphisUrologyAdjunct Assoc Professo
Dhand, RajivCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineProfessor And Chair
Dhanireddy, ReddyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeonatologyDistinguished Professor
Dickerson, Roland NCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Dillard, AustinCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Dagogo-jack, SamuelCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med EndocrinologyProfessor
Darby, SarahCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Davis, Stacy FCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Day, SaraCollege of NursingCommunity & Population HealthProfessor And Assistant D
Delos Santos, Noel MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NephrologyAssociate Professor
Depasquale, StephenCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Doettl, Steven MCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterClinical Professor
Dolacky, Steven DavidCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Donaldson, Sahai VerdCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Dryden, StephenCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyInstructor
Duke, Steven IraCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Dunaway, Sheila BrockCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Duson, SiraCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Vascular & Endovascular SurgeryAssistant Professor
Dargie, Tripp ACollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Davis, Tamarrah C.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Devlin, ThomasCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyProfessor
Dixon, Teabra ACollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Doering, Tracey ECollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationProfessor
Donovan Sr, Timothy BohnCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Doty, Thomas WCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Dozier, Tracy MCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Dudney, Tina MaureenCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssociate Professor
Dhand, UpinderCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineProfessor
Davis- Tharpe, VernessaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds HospitalistAssistant Professor
Dabbs, William ShriverCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineAssociate Professor
Davis, Wesley L.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Drewry, William RiceCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisAssistant Professor
Ducham, WendyCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Dusenbury, WendyCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Dweik, Wasif HusniCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Dedmon, William LoganCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantClinical Instructor
Deng, YunpingCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssistant Professor
May 26, 2022