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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Escue, AshleyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds PulmonologyAssistant Professor
Eaton, AllisonCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Eblen, Abby CCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Edwards, Amber MelvinCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Eid, Anas AminCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryAssistant Professor
Elder, Agnes DomantayCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Elsayes, Ali HussainCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyInstructor
Evans, Amber JoCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Evans, AaronCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Evans, Amy GamlinCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Eddlemon, Benjamin KnoxCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Edgerson, Brandon MarkCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Edkin, BrianCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Enderson, Blaine LCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryProfessor Emeritus
Elangovan, CheranCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Ellington, ChrisCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyInstructor
Evans, CoryCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Trauma/Surgical Critical CareAssistant Professor
Eymard, CoreyCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Transplant SurgeryAssistant Professor
Eyre, Clarice LawCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssociate Professor And C
Edgerly, Donald WCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisInstructor
Ellison, David WilliaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyProfessor
Ely, Daniel SCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssociate Professor
Emerson, DonCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationProfessor
Esters, Danielle MariCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Evans, Daniel ScottCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Ergen, ElizabethCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Eastham, Edward DunklCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Eckstein, Eugene CCollege of MedicineBiomed Engineering and ImagingProfessor
Eddlemon, EugeneCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Edens, Ellen LockardCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor
Elliott,bessCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineInstructor
Enemark, Eric J.College of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Ephrem, GeorgesCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Elahi, HafizCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Edwards, JakeCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Edwards, JerryCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisAssistant Professor
Ellis Iii, John WCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Ellis, ChrisCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Engbretson, John WaynCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
English, Jonathan TylerCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Eoff, James CCollege of PharmacyAdmin College of PharmacyProfessor Emeritus
Epps, Jerry LCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor Em
Eshun, John KCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GastroenterologyAssociate Professor
Eubanks, TreyCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryProfessor
Eckland, KristinCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Instructor
Emmett, Kim RCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Engelhardt, Kay FCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionProfessor Emeritus
Ennis, Kenneth AlanCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Edwards, BubbaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Edwards, LeighCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Elbahlawan, LamaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssociate Professor
Elijovich, LucasCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyProfessor
Elsherif, LailaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med HematologyAssistant Professor
Engbretson, Laura KniCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Enomoto, Laura MCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssociate Professor
Earl, Martha FCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Medical LibraryProfessor & Director
Edwards, Megan DanielleCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Eilerman, Michael SCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Elabiad, Mohamad Tammam RabihCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeonatologyProfessor
Elam, Marshall BCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyProfessor
Ennis, MatthewCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyProfessor
Erickson, MollyCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech PathologyAssociate Professor
Esposito, MaureenCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Elsedawy, NouraCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med HematologyAssistant Professor
Eberts, Paul TCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyAssistant Professor
Edwards, PriceCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GastroenterologyAssistant Professor
Eberly, RobCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyClinical Assistant Pro
Eiseman, Robert MartiCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineInstructor
Espinal, Ronald RafaelCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Child DevelopmentAssistant Professor
Estepp, Rye ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Evans, RobinCollege of Medicine - MemphisPlastic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Eastham, Shannon CalhCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Eden, Sonia VeronicaCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssociate Professor
Edwards, Samuel BCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Ehiremen, Stephen EguCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Einhaus, Stephanie LCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssistant Professor
Elangovan,saravananCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterProfessor
Elseroad, StantonCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Embry, ScottCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyAssistant Professor
Embry, Steven AllanCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Erby, ShakilaCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareAssistant Professor
Etters, SamanthaCollege of Health ProfessionsDiagnostic and Health SciencesInstructor
Evans, Stacey LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds HospitalistAssistant Professor
Easterday, ThomasCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Trauma/Surgical Critical CareAssistant Professor
Edwards, Todd DCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyInstructor
Eason, William AndrewCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Evans, William ECollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Evans, WilliamCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyInstructor
May 26, 2022