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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Neal, Ashley B.College of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareInstructor
Nelson, Amy LCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Narang, Ajit SCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesAssistant Professor
Naseer, AdnanCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med NephrologyAssociate Professor
Nathans, Alissa MarieCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Nearn, AndrewCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Negrete, AnaCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAsistant Professor
Niakan, AtossaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Nicholson, AndrewCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyAssistant Professor
Nick, Alpa ManchandiaCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Nabors, Amy PCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryInstructor
Naeem, BuriaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareAssistant Professor
Newsome, Cassandra FCollege of NursingCommunity & Population HealthAsst Professor
Nasdahl, Clifford SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Nease, Carey JosephCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Plastic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Nelson, CecilCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Nickele, ChrisCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssociate Professor
Nobleza, Christa O'hanaCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssociate Professor
Norris, ChrisCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Nagarajan, ElanaganCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyAssistant Professor
Narasimha, DeepikaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Nelson, David P.College of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds CardiologyProfessor
Nelson, David RCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Noss, Emily ClarkCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterAssociate Professor
Neal, Michele EvyanCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Neal, ErinCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Nelson, EricCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Neufeld, Ellis JacobCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsProfessor
Nunley, Erin DCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Nwokeji, Emmanuel ICollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Nelson, Grace BazanCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds EndocrinologyAssistant Professor
Newman, Grace ICollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Nace, SteveCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationProfessor
Narmandakh, GantuulCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds ResearchVisiting Scholar
Nava, GuillermoCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Newman, Grant TCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Nieckula, GregCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Naqvi, Haider AbbasCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineInstructor
Nemec, HannahCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Nishimura, HirokoCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyEmeritus Professor
Narumanchi, JananiCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GeneralAssociate Professor
Neese, Jeremy MichaelCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareAssistant Professor
Neff, John CCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyProfessor Emeritus
Nelson, John SCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryAssistant Professor
Nelson, JeffreyCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Nelson, Jaymee SmithCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Newby Jr, James TCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineInstructor
Newman, JessAcademic, Faculty, Student AffLibraryAssociate Professor
Nguyen, Jennifer ThaoCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Nichols, James WaltonCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Nicholson, JessicaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Nix, Jeff ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Noe, Jacob ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyAssistant Professor
Nunally, James TCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Nelson, Jessica MarieCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Instructor
Naseer, KaukabCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsInstructor
Nearing, KatherineCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssociate Professor
Ness, KiriCollege of Health ProfessionsPhysical TherapyProfessor
Neumann, KielCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesAssistant Professor
Newman, Kevin PCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyProfessor
Nguyen, KhuongCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryInstructor
Nicoll, Kathryn GCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Nord, Keith DouglasCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Norris, KaleyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Nedzi, LucienCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiation OncologyProfessor
Nichols, Linda OCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineProfessor
Nally, Mary CarolineCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Naveed, MujtabaCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Neal, Matthew BCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Neel, Michael DCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Nelson, Marquita NaishaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med HematologyAssistant Professor
Nezakatgoo, NosratollahCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Transplant SurgeryAssociate Professor
Noorbakhsh Sabet, NarimCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Noorizadeh, NegarCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Clinical NeurosciencesAssistant Professor
Northcutt, NicoleCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceInstructor
Norvell, Nick GregoryCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsProfessor
Neblett, Paul DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Newman, Phillip AlanCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Nthumba, Peter M.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Plastic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Naik, Ronak JCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds CardiologyAssociate Professor
Narayanan, RameshCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med HematologyProfessor
Nass, Rebecca ACollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Nelson, Rachel A.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Nelson, Ronald ACollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Nelson, RandyCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyProf Emeritus
Nelson, DickCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Nesbit, RossCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Nollner, Robert MCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Nolly, Robert JCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor Emeritus
Nenon, RebeccaCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionInstructor
Nagireddy, SumanaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Nagy, SandorCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Nair, Satheesh PCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Transplant SurgeryProfessor
Nansiyani, ShehnazCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareInstructor
Narayana, ShaliniCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Clinical NeurosciencesProfessor
Naren, Saraswathy BCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisInstructor
Nelson, Stephanie RoseCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Nema, SandeepCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesAssociate Professor
Newell, SarahAcademic, Faculty, Student AffLibraryAssistant Professor
Nezakat, SinaCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryInstructor
Ni, SamanthaCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineInstructor
Nishimoto, Satoru KennethCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Norman, Sharon ACollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Nouer, Simonne SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineAssociate Professor
Newton, TaraCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Ng, ThomasCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Thoracic SurgeryProfessor
Nickloes, Todd ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssociate Professor
Nowak Jr, Thaddeus SCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyProfessor
Nowell, TerryCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Numnum, Thomas MichaeCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Nunez, Timothy CharleCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Nolan, Vikki GCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineAssistant Professor
Novick, William MCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Pediatric Cardiothoracic SurgeryProfessor
May 26, 2022