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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Sebastian, Andrea LCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareAssistant Professor
Sanderson, Autumn MichelleCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterAssociate Professor
Smith, Amy MetcalfeCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Saidian, AvaCollege of Medicine - MemphisUrologyAssistant Professor
Sajja, AaryaniCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Salomon, AlanCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Samarasinghe, Amali ECollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds ResearchAssociate Professor
Sanders, Adam JamesCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Satpute, Aditee ShailCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Schaeffer, AlanCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyAssistant Professor
Schaffner, AaronCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Schaller, Alexandra LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareAssistant Professor
Scheiderer, Ashley NicoleCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyAssistant Professor
Schroeder, Andrew CharlesCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeurologyAssistant Professor
Schulz, Angela MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Scott, AmbrosiaCollege of Health ProfessionsPhysical TherapyInstructor
Selecman, Audrey MarieCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssociate Professor & Cha
Self, Ashley LaurelCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Shaban-nejad, ArashCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds ResearchAssociate Professor
Shafi, ArifCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsInstructor
Shah, Aruna RCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Shah, Anant VipinCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Shan, AllenCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Shaw, Anna MCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionInstructor
Shaw, ArieCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Sherwood, Allen TCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineInstructor
Sheyn, AnthonyCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryAssociate Professor
Shirwany, Arsalan TCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Shridharani, Anand N.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat UrologyAssociate Professor
Sibold, Amy MarketCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Siddiqui, AdeelCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssociate Professor
Simpson, MandyCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyInstructor
Singh, AmarCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat UrologyProfessor And Chair
Sinha, AnujCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssociate Professor
Sintim-damoa, AkosuaCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssociate Professor
Skinner, AshleyCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Slominski, Andrzej TCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyProfessor
Slutsky, Avron ACollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Amber MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Infectious DiseasesAssociate Professor
Smith, Andrew WyattCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Arthur AudieCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Smolensky, Arthur RCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Solomon, Allen LeeCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Solomon, AlanCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineProfessor Emeritus
Srinivasan, AshokCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Stanfill, Ansley GrimesCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareProfessor And Associate D
Stany, Alma ReneeCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Stephens, Alex KeithCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Stewart, Altha JCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Stiles, Allison MarieCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Stonecipher, Alison ElizabethCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Straughn, Arthur BCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor Emeritus
Sullivan, Anne LorraiCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssociate Professor
Summerlin, Adam LeeCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Swailes, AlexaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Swearingen, AllisonCollege of Health ProfessionsPhysical TherapyInstructor
Szaflarski, Andrew ThCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Smith, Kimberly KayCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyAssistant Professor
Salmon, BryantCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Sanders, BartonCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Schneider, Bradford TCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Sharp, Burt MCollege of Medicine - MemphisGenetics, Genomics & InformaticsDistinguished Professor
Sheffer, Benjamin WesCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryAssociate Professor
Shepple, Benjamin IsaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Sheth, Bhogilal BCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor Emeritus
Shubert, Bianca MCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Emergency MedicineInstructor
Shulkin, Barry LynnCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyProfessor
Simmons, Bryan PCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med Infectious DiseasesProfessor
Simpson, BrittanyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GeneticsAssistant Professor
Singla, BhupeshCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesAssistant Professor
Slaughter, BrookeCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smith, Bretton CarlCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smith, BenjaminCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Emergency MedicineProfessor
Snader, Brent M.College of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Snodgrass, BrettCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Somer, BradCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Steele, Bridgid KCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Sutton, CourtneyCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Saltsman, Connie LeslCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sanborn, ChristopherCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Sander, Craig JCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsInstructor
Sawyer, Christopher ECollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineInstructor
Sayyid, CaitlinCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Surgery GeneralInstructor
Scheiner, ChristopherCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Schwab, Carol ACollege Grad Health SciencesInterprofessional EducationProfessor
Seaworth, ChristineCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Stockwell, Christina MarieCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Shelton, Chasity M.College of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Shephard, Claudette JonesCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Short, ChristopherCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Shugars, Chelsea ACollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyAssistant Professor
Simpson, Claire LCollege of Medicine - MemphisGenetics, Genomics & InformaticsAssociate Professor
Sledge, Charles ChapmCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smartt, Chantay DCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Cody DCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Clark LanderCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Cindy TCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Smith, Claudia NCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Smith, Chadwick ACollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Smith, Clyde ECollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Smith, Charles MCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med PulmonaryAssistant Professor
Smothers, Chandrea DCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Solla, Che ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssociate Professor
Somogyi, ChristopherCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Song, Chi YoungCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyInstructor
Stallings, Carrie LynCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Stanford, ChelseaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
St. Charles, ChristopheCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Stegbauer, Cheryl CCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionProfessor Emeritus
Stephens, Christopher DoyleCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyAssistant Professor
Steuart, Catherine ArCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Stevens, Cathy ACollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsProfessor
Stewart, Clinton FCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Stewart, Charles WCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Suffridge, Calvin BufCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Swafford, Carl AaronCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sabin, Diana LeighCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Instructor
Sahni, DeepankCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds CardiologyAssistant Professor
Sallee, David ChristoCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Savic, Daniel DusanCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Schwartz, David LCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiation OncologyProfessor And Chair
Scokin, DanielCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sewell, Daniel WCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Shibata, DavidCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryProfessor And Chair
Shoop, David ACollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAsistant Professor
Sidhu, Desh DCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Simmons, David LeeCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineInstructor
Sloas, David DCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Smith, Dustin CheneyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
Smith, PrestonCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox UrologyAssociate Professor
Solecki, David JosephCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssociate Professor
Spence, David DCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryAssociate Professor
Steinberg, DannyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Stewart, Dawn MangumCollege of NursingCommunity & Population HealthInstructor
Schauss, ErainaCollege of Medicine - MemphisGenetics, Genomics & InformaticsAssistant Professor
Scheffel, Elizabeth CCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisInstructor
Schriner, ElizabethCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantAssistant Professor
Schriver, Elise ECollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Associate Pro
Sheffield, Eugene GCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssociate Professor
Shiftan, ElizabethCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Skidmore, Erica FinneCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsInstructor
Small, Ernestine BCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssociate Professor
Springer, Elise MCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Sepahpanah, FarhadCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssociate Professor
Shahbaz, FatimaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsInstructor
Soto, Francisco JCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssociate Professor
Springfield, Felix OCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Stentz, Frankie BCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med EndocrinologyAssociate Professor
Syed, FurqanCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Samson, Gerald SCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssociate Professor
Saxon, Grace MoxleyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineInstructor
Smallwood, Geoffrey HCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor & Cha
Smoak, Guy LCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Sneed, George MarkCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyAssistant Professor
Steinke, GregoryCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Studebaker, Grant KCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssociate Professor
Suneela, GottumukkalaCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Sampath Kumar, HanishCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Sandhu, Hitesh SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareAssociate Professor
Scott, HughCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Sharp, Harry KCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthProfessor Emeritus
Shin, Hae WonCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyProfessor And Chair
Sloas, Harold ACollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Smallwood, Heather SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds ResearchAssociate Professor
Smith, Haley AmberCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Soni, Harsh P BCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Spraker-perlman, HollyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Steinberg, Helmut OCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med EndocrinologyProfessor
Sullivant, Henry PaulCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Swanson, Hope D.College of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sances Ii, Richard ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyClinical Assistant Pro
Schwarz, Ilsa E.College of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech PathologyProfessor Emeritus
Solsky, Ian BarryCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Surgical OncologyAssistant Professor
Stone, IlyaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Sultan-ali, Ibrahim ACollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med PulmonaryAssistant Professor
Smith, Jennifer LehnemanCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sahni, JasmineCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sahu, JoyaCollege of Medicine - MemphisDermatologyAssociate Professor
Samson, Jacques ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssociate Professor
Sanders, JimCollege of NursingCommunity & Population HealthInstructor
Sandi, JenniferCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Santoso, Joseph TCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Sawyer, Jeffrey RaymondCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryProfessor
Schauer, JordanCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Schmidt, JennyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeurologyAssistant Professor
Schmid Jr, James D.College of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyClinical Assistant Pro
Schorge, John OCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor And Chair
Schrecker, Joshua PaulCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Scotchie, JessicaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Scruggs, Jesse EarlCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sedlmayr, JaycCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssociate Professor
Seeley Mcgee, JenniferCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryInstructor
Sessums, Janet IreneCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareAsst Professor
Sethi, Jigme MichaelCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineProfessor
Shah, Jignesh NavinchCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Shamiyeh, James ECollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Sharp, JacquelineCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Sheah, Jessica LeeCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Sherrod, Jonathan NCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Siegien, JolantaCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Silberman, JasonCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Simmons Jr, Heber SherwoodCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Simms-macleod, JodieCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyClinical Instructor
Simpson, Joseph ECollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyClinical Assistant Profes
Sinanan, JesseCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Sinclair-pingel, Julie RCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sizemore, JayCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Jace RedmondCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Smith, JesseCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Smith-young, Jamila SCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Smith, Jay DCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Smithson, Joshua BradleyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Snidow, John JosephCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyClinical Assistant Pro
Soberman, Judith ECollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyProfessor
Sorenson, Jeffrey MCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryProfessor
Sowell, JonathanCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Instructor
Spencer, Jason B.College of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Spooner, JohnCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Spuches, Joseph MichaCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyInstructor
Staack, JeffCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Stallings, John MorriCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
St. Amant, Jeffrey ScCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Stanfill, John GregorCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Stanley, John DanielCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryProfessor
Starling Iii, JohnCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Steketee, Jeffery DCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyProfessor
Sterrett, John DCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox DentistryClinical Associate Pro
Stollings, JoannaCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Streams, Jill RichmanCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Strelsin, Jenny RCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareInstructor
Stultz, Jeremy StephenCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssociate Professor
Sullivan, JoshCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAsistant Professor
Susong, Jason RCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Sutton, Joleigh AdairCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Swanson, JoeCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Swearingen, Jordan VaCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyInstructor
Swengel, Justin ClarkCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyInstructor
Salter, Kristin LeeCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sakata, KazukoCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyAssociate Professor
Sakauye, KenCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryProfessor Emeritus
Sanders, CaseCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssociate Professor
Savoie, Kate BrackettCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Sawyer, Kimberly ErinCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Schughart, Klaus JosefCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryVisting Scholar - Prof
Schwirian, Kelly MCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Shah, Kinjal SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Shapiro, KateCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Infectious DiseasesAssistant Professor
Shauger, KennethCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Sillay, Karl ACollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssociate Professor
Smith, Kyle AnthonyCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssistant Professor
Smith, Keegan MCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Stafford, Katrena RCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Instructor
Stafford, KristenCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Steese, KatlinCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterInstructor
Storck, Kristina LynnCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Studtmann, Karl E.College of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Suda, Katie JoyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineAssociate Professor
Sullivan, Kevin MatthewCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sumida, KeiichiCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med NephrologyAssociate Professor
Sumpter, Kathryn MariaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds EndocrinologyAssociate Professor
Smith, Kristina LeeanCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sawant, LaxmichayaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Scarvey, Lisa DawnCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Schirmer, Lori LCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssociate Professor
Schlabach, Larry LCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineInstructor
Schwarz, Lindsay AnnCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssistant Professor
Schwartzberg, Lee SCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineProfessor
Selvidge, Leroy ACollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Shears, Larry LynnCollege of MedicineChat Clinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Shepard, LeslieCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sildiryan, LorigCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyInstructor
Silva, ParedesCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Siv-lee, Lor ChinCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sloan, LadaCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smiley, Linda MCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Smith, Loretta Q.College of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionInstructor
Smith, Lovell BernardCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationInstructor
Smith, LarryCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Lisa AnnCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Smith, Lou MahalaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssociate Professor
Sprabery, Laura RCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssociate Professor
Staton, LisaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssociate Professor
Stone, Larry DumasCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Emergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Swaby, Laurie-anne C.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Staton, KyleCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Sayers, MicaylaCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterInstructor
Stoltz, MollyCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Smith, Mary AustinCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthInstructor
Salhab, Mahmoud MajedCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Samarin, Michael JCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAsistant Professor
Sameri, Roya MCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Santa Cruz Terrazas, MarinaCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Sava, Melinda RixeyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Scarbecz, MarkCollege of DentistryAdmin College of DentistryProfessor
Schlothauer, MarkCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Schmidt, Matthew DavidCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Schneider, Michael ACollege of Medicine - MemphisDermatologyAssistant Professor
Schwartz, MichaelCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Searfoss, Marianne BCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech CenterClinician
Seymore, Melvinie ECollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Sharp, Marcia YCollege of Health ProfessionsDiagnostic and Health SciencesAssociate Professor
Siddiq, MuhammadCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med GastroenterologyAssistant Professor
Silberman, Michael IaCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Simms, Martin DCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Slattery, MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Smith, MeaganCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smith, Meghan BrookeCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smith, Melissa LynCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Smith, Marlaine CCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionProfessor
Smothers, Michelle M.College of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionInstructor
Snider, Mark AndrewCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssociate Professor
Spencer, Michelle YvoCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Stankewicz, Mark AnthCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Stany, Michael PaulCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Summitt, Margaret ZCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Swan, Michael CharlesCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Swanberg, MargaretCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Associate Pro
Scalise, Melissa LCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Swaggerty, ElizabethCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Schlechter, Nicole LoCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Seabolt, Natalie OCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Shafi, NadeemCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareProfessor
Shah, Namrata SCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeurologyProfessor
Sharifi, NaimCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Shashikanth, NiteshCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyInstructor
Shepherd, NakieshaCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Sherrow, Nicholas CCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Shimony, NirCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssociate Professor
Shumaker, Nita WCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsInstructor
Smith, Nathan PierceCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Stanford, NathanCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineInstructor
Sublette, Nina KCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Summers, Nathan ACollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med Infectious DiseasesAssociate Professor
Swaminathan, NithyaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds CardiologyAssociate Professor
Symons, NadineCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Stranch, Nicole WalkerCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Saeed, OmarCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Stafford, OcpiviaCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Saitta, Patrick VCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sandhu, Preet KCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssociate Professor
Schotting, PaulCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Schwartzberg, Paul MCollege of MedicineChat Clinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Scott, Patricia LeeCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sethi, Pooja RanbirchCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Sharma, PralhadCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med PulmonaryAssistant Professor
Shea, Paul FCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryInstructor
Sheth, Purvi SamirCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Shoureshi, Pezham ShaCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Singer, Pamela AnnCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Singh, PurnimaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyAssistant Professor
Sioson, Priscilla B.College of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Snell, Peter DCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Stevens, Patrick LCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Stewart, Phillip WilsCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Subramaniam, PoornaCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Sutherland, Philip AnCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Schaeffer, Brett ZachCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Scott, Randall LCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyProfessor
Saig, Reagan MilsapsCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sain, RickCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sakaria, Rishika PrakCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeonatologyAssistant Professor
Samavedy, RamanujanCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Savage, R WesleyCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Schmocker, RyanCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Scott, Robert BCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor- Endo
Scroggs, Reese SCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnatomy & NeurobiologyAssociate Professor
Seth, RashmiCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Transplant SurgeryAssistant Professor
Shah, Ruchir A.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyAssistant Professor
Shappley, Rebekah K HCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GeneralAssociate Professor
Shibata, Ryan WilliamCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Shrestha, RabinCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med PulmonaryAssistant Professor
Shridharani, Rita R.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Shuler, KeithCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Sievers, Richard ECollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyAssociate Professor
Singh, Ravikumar ShivCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Singh, RajeevCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-TiptonInstructor
Skinner Jr, Robert BCollege of Medicine - MemphisDermatologyProfessor
Smith, Robert VincentCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, RobertCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-TiptonInstructor
Smith, Rachael ElizabethCollege of Health ProfessionsPhysician AssistantAssistant Professor
Smith, Richard ACollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryProfessor Emeritus
Smith, Robert KCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Smith, Roger GCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssociate Professor
Smith, Robert J.College of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Smith, Russell JCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssociate Professor
Staples, Ronald CCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Stephens, Ryan EdwardCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareInstructor
Sthilaire, Roland JamesCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med GastroenterologyAssociate Professor
Stocks, RosemaryCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryProfessor
Stoner, Ryan ChristopCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sudheendra, RamegowdaCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Summitt Jr, Robert LCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Suryadevara, Ramya SmCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Shahrabi-farahani, ShokoufehCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssociate Professor
Sadler, Scott MCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Sakaan, Sami AhmadCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAsistant Professor
Salian, Swati PatelCollege of Health ProfessionsPhysical TherapyInstructor
Sargent, Susie JCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med Infectious DiseasesAssociate Professor
Sarkar, ShyamalCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Sathanandam, Shyam KCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds CardiologyProfessor
Schultz-cherry, StaceyCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Schwab, SteveCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med NephrologyProfessor
Scorey, Stephen PearcCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Scott, Stephanie ElizCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Selvidge, Sidney DaviCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Sen, SaunakCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineProfessor
Shackelford, Shanna SheneeCollege of NursingNursing-Academic AffairsAdjunct-Assistant Profess
Shah, Samir HCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareProfessor
Sharma, SunnyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyInstructor
Sherrow, ShevondaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Shochat, Stephen JCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryProfessor
Siarezi, SherryCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Sinclair, Scott EvettsCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med PulmonaryProfessor
Smith, Scott TCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Smith, Samuel HenryCollege of Medicine - MemphisOtolaryngology Head-Neck SurgeryAssistant Professor
Smith, Stephen JamesCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Snell, SarahCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Snyder, Scott EricCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesAssociate Professor
Sogge, StevenCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Song, Seung-jae TexasCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationInstructor
Soule, SaraCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Trauma/Surgical Critical CareAssistant Professor
Srinivasan, SauminiCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds PulmonologyProfessor
Standley, Steven MattCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Stegall, Stephanie ACollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsInstructor
Stein, Sidney HCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyProfessor & Acting Chair
Stephenson, Stacy MichelleCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssociate Professor
Sterling, Steven LloyCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyInstructor
Sterner, Sarah E.College of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssociate Professor
Stevens, Scott LCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryProfessor
Stewart, ShannonCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAsistant Professor
Stickley, ShaunCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryAssistant Professor
Stone, Suzette ReneeCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareAsst Professor
Storgion, Stephanie ACollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareProfessor
Story, Sara KristinCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Strevels, Stephen MCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox AnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Surbhi, SatyaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Suryadevara, Sree KirCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Swarup, SupreeyaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Stockton, M DavidCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineProfessor Emeritus
Sams, TylerCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Sanders, RickCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Scharr, Travis StuartCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Seagroves, Tiffany NCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyProfessor
Self, Timothy HCollege of PharmacyAdmin College of PharmacyProfessor Emeritus
Shivers, Travis ScottCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Singarella, Thomas AAcademic, Faculty, Student AffLibraryProfessor Emeritus
Smith, ToddCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Spentzas, ThomasCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Critical CareProfessor
Stewart, TerriCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareInstructor
Stovall, Thomas GCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyProfessor
Sullivan, T MarkCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sullivan, Thomas ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Associate Pro
Sweatman, Trevor WCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyProfessor
Singh, UdaiCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor
Suresh, UrathCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Santana, Victor M.College of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsProfessor
Schlesinger, Victor Dr.College of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisAssistant Professor
Sepulveda, Vanessa DeCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Shah, Vishant PCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Smith, Vincent DeeCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Swannigan, Veronica MCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineInstructor
Swatzell, Victoria MCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Shroyer, Whitney GaddCollege of Medicine - MemphisDermatologyAssistant Professor
Sanders, Whitney LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsInstructor
Schoutko, Walter WilliamCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Shappley, William VanCollege of Medicine - MemphisUrologyInstructor
Shelton Jr, William AlbeCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Shintaku, Werner HarumitiCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineProfessor And Acting Chai
Slagle, William FCollege of DentistryRestorative DentistryProfessor
Smith, William BenjaminCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineProfessor
Smith, Webb ACollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds ObesityAssociate Professor
Snyder, WilliamCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Stinson, William DCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Stribling, Warren KylCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Strickland, William GCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Strozyk, WilliamCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Sun, Wen LinCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyAssociate Professor
Sun, YaoCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyProfessor
Spraggins Wilson, YolandaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsInstructor
Sun, YangboCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineAssistant Professor
Sun, ZhongjieCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyProfessor & Chair
May 26, 2022