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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Love, Anna MarieCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Labuda, Amanda RaberCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Langille, Andrew SCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Leaphart, Ashley BeatCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Levy, Alan LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Liaqat, AimenCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Transplant SurgeryAssistant Professor
Lichliter, AndrewCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Linz, AmandaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Palliative CareAssistant Professor
Lowell, Ari-lev MCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssistant Professor
Long, Anna CatherineCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Long, Ariel RebeccaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds PulmonologyAssistant Professor
Levy, AudreyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationInstructor
Lam, BrianCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Law Jr, BillCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Professor
Lawrence, Bethany JanCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Lazear, Bethany DawnCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisInstructor
Leforce, BruceCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Leonard, Brian RobertCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lewis, Brian TCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Li, Bo CharlesCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lobo, Bobby LCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Loft, BreiaCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareInstructor
Lott, Baillie WCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Luk, BenCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lacharite, Claude ACollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Associate Pro
Laizure, Steven CCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Lam, CatherineCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Lauro, ChristineCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyClinical Assistant Pro
Le, Cindy MCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Ledbetter, ChristopherCollege of Medicine - MemphisUrologyAssociate Professor
Leffler, Concepcion CCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lewis, Christopher RaCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lochmuller, Christopher MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox PathologyClinical Assistant Pro
Lucas, Christy LynnCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Ludovissy, Daniel ConCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Lynch, Carissa SawyerCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lynn, Carol IngrahamCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Laird, David MCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Laman, Douglas LewisCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Layman, Douglas RhettCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssistant Professor
Lebeche, DjamelCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyProfessor
Lester, Dennis RayCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Levine, Deena RachelCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Lew, Dukhee BettyCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsProfessor Emeritus
Loeffler, DirkCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Long, Diane MehlhornCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Loynes, Duane TerrenceCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Lynch-smith, DonnaCollege of NursingAcute and Tertiary CareAssociate Professor
Lee, Danielle EdenCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Lafranchise, Eugene FCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Laird, Emily RCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionInstructor
Latendresse, Erin MarieCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Layne, Emily P.College of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lee, ElizabethCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Leichner, Edward ConrCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Lindner, ErnoCollege of MedicineBiomed Engineering and ImagingProfessor
Long, Ethan MichaelCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Lussnig, ErichCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lawhead, Frances KirklandCollege of Medicine - MemphisDermatologyAssistant Professor
Liao, Francesca-fangCollege of Medicine - MemphisPharmacology, Addiction Science, and ToxicologyUThsc Distinguished Profe
Liu-smith, FengCollege of Medicine - MemphisPreventive Medicine - Preventive MedicineAssociate Professor
Louthan, Frank BlonviCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lucey, Timothy DanielCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat NeurologyAssistant Professor
Laing, Geoffrey GlynnCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox RadiologyClinical Assistant Pro
Lethco, Gary WayneCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineInstructor
Lipscomb, Gary HCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-MemphisProfessor Emeritus
Low, KahlerCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Lynch, George BrandonCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lee, Holly RCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lee, Helen SeunglimCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lichaa, Hady TonyCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lydigsen, Holly LCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Lavrik, IrinaCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Family MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Lewis, James BCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineProfessor
Lacey Iii, John WCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Lacy, John MarkCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox UrologyAssistant Professor
Lally, John MCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Lamplot, Joseph DanieCollege of Medicine - MemphisOrthopaedic SurgeryAssociate Professor
Lanfranco Molina, JulioCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med PulmonaryAssociate Professor
Lange, JessicaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat UrologyAssistant Professor
Langston, James WCollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyProfessor Emeritus
Laudermilk, JeffCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lawrence, Joseph KCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lazar, John FranklinCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Leal, JorgeCollege of Medicine - MemphisPsychiatryAssociate Professor
Ledbetter, Joel CCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssociate Professor
Lee, JeffreyCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat PediatricsAssistant Professor
Lee Diaz, Jorge ACollege of Medicine - MemphisRadiologyAssociate Professor
Lennon, Joshua JohnCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyAssistant Professor
Lentz, JonathanCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Levy, JoeCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsAssistant Professor
Lewis, JeffCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lewis, James MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryProfessor
Lewis Iii, WestCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Lewis, JamesCollege of Health ProfessionsAudiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech PathologyInstructor
Lieberman, Jay ACollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds PulmonologyProfessor
Limberg, Jessica NicoCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lindsay, James MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Medical LibraryAssociate Professor
Little, John PCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Associate Pro
Liu, Joseph ChesinCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Lloyd, JillCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssociate Professor
Loden, James CCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyAssistant Professor
Lowry Jr, David MCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Lu, JunlingCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med NephrologyAssistant Professor
Lubas, JanetCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Lockhart, Jennifer MCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Langford, Jennifer MAcademic, Faculty, Student AffLibraryAssociate Professor
Lange, Kyle ChristophCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Latif, Kashif ACollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med EndocrinologyAssistant Professor
Lattimore, Keri AnneCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Lee, KristenCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lee, Kelley RCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceProfessor
Lee, Kent AlanCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Li, KuiCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Linden, KimberlyCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryAssistant Professor
Liu, Katherine CCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Locker, Kathleen JudeCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Family MedicineAssistant Professor
Lord, Kito A.College of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Lu, KevinCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineAssistant Professor
Lytle, Kristen LCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Litton, KayleighCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Lamsen, LeoCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Simulation CenterAssistant Professor
Lands, Lindsey TCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Lawson, Laura LouiseCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lawson, Lisa JaneCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lazar, Linda FrancineCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds GastroenterologyProfessor
Leblond, Lawrence TCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Levy, Layne ConstantCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor And D
Lindsey, Leticia AnneCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedical EducationAssistant Professor
Locke, Lindsey NicoleCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionInstructor
Long, Libby AnnCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lopez-calderon, Leslie ECollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssistant Professor
Lothstein, LeonardCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssociate Professor
Lu, LuCollege of Medicine - MemphisGenetics, Genomics & InformaticsProfessor
Law, Muriel ICollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox DentistryInstructor
La Bagnara, MichaelCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurosurgeryAssistant Professor
Lackey, Mark ACollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Int
Lacy, Michael RCollege of MedicineFamily MedicineAssistant Professor
Langham Jr, Max RCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - General SurgeryProfessor Emeritus
Layman, MattCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Leo, Marie Dennis MCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesAssistant Professor
Levin, Michael CCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyProfessor
Li, SamCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssociate Professor
Lingerfelt, Maria WilliamsonCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Liske, MichaelCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineClinical Assistant Pro
Love, Michael ACollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Lawrence, Nathan GCollege of Medicine - MemphisNeurologyInstructor
Leonardi, NickCollege of Medicine - MemphisPlastic SurgeryClinical Assistant Pro
Lipsitz, Nancy BethCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Ludi, NicolasCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Li, Nan LCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssistant Professor
Lammers, Philip EdwarCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Langsdon, Phillip RoyalCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyProfessor
Lao, AprilCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyAssistant Professor
Lavoie, Paul TCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysician AssistantInstructor
Ledoux, Paul DavidCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lewis-kipkulei, Pamela YvetteCollege of Health ProfessionsOccupational TherapyAssociate Professor
Lieberman, Phillip LCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatricsProfessor
Logan, PatriciaCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds Child DevelopmentAssociate Professor
Luepke, Paul GerardCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyProfessor & Associate Dea
Lund, Peter JCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Orthopaedic SurgeryAssistant Professor
Luther, FrankCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Loynd, Richard ThomasCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Lee, Richard ECollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor
Lynch, EricaCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Obstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lackie, Richard MCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssistant Professor
Lam, Ryan Ying-mingCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Landisch, RachelCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Pediatric SurgeryAssistant Professor
Lands, Ronald HermanCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineProfessor
Laribee, Ronald N.College of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssociate Professor
Ledford, Robert LCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lewis, Rodney PCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lim, Rene MichaelCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lowe, BlakeCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox MedicineAssistant Professor
Lucas, Rob ACollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lugo, Ricardo MiguelCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssistant Professor
Lacy, Susan NorthenCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lancaster, StephanieCollege of Health ProfessionsOccupational TherapyAssociate Professor
Lawrence, Scott DCollege of Medicine - MemphisOphthalmologyAssociate Professor
Lazarov, StuartCollege of Medicine - MemphisAnesthesiologyAssistant Professor
Lee, Stanley MichaelCollege of Medicine - MemphisClinical Medical EducationAssociate Professor
Lee, Sue ChinCollege of Medicine - MemphisPhysiologyAssociate Professor
Leslie, Scott ThomasCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Li, Sherri XuanCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lin, SaundersCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Pediatric SurgeryAssistant Professor
Little, Sharon HCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionAssistant Professor
Locascio, Steven JameCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Oral SurgeryClinical Associate Pro
Lowe, StephenCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox SurgeryClinical Instructor
Lowry, Susan SCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonInstructor
Lumbarsky, Suzanne LyCollege of Medicine - MemphisObstetrics & GynecologyInstructor
Lynch, StaceyCollege of Medicine - MemphisSurgery - Surgery GeneralInstructor
Lynema, Stephanie RainsCollege of Medicine - KnoxvilleKnox Obstetrics & GynecologyAssistant Professor
Layman, TomCollege of Medicine - ChattanoogaChat SurgeryAssistant Professor
Legros, TracyCollege of Medicine - MemphisEmergency MedicineProfessor
Love, Timothy PhilipCollege of Medicine - MemphisFamily Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-JacksonAssistant Professor
Lyons, Tiffany DCollege of PharmacyClinical Pharmacy & Translational ScienceAssistant Professor
Lamba, VineetCollege of Medicine - MemphisPediatrics - Peds NeonatologyAssociate Professor
Loveless, Vivian SCollege of PharmacyAdmin College of PharmacyAssociate Professor Emeri
Li, WeiCollege of PharmacyPharmaceutical SciencesProfessor
Likes, Wendy MCollege of NursingHealth Promotion/Disease PreventionProfessor And Dean
Lofton, William BradlCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med General Internal MedicineAssistant Professor
Levine, Yehoshua CCollege of Medicine - MemphisMedicine - Med CardiologyAssistant Professor
Lu, YiCollege of Medicine - MemphisPathologyAssociate Professor
May 26, 2022