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Proteomics and Metabolomics (PMC)

The Proteomics & Metabolomics Core Facility offers mass spectrometry based cutting-edge analytical technology, resources, and expertise to facilitate bio-medical research in proteomics and metabolomics. The facility is equipped with a state-of-the-art mass spectrometer – Orbitrap Fusion Lumos with superior analytical capabilities.

Supported standard analytical applications include:

  • Identification of unknown proteins in gel bands, simple and multi-protein mixtures or protein complexes extracted from body fluids, cells, sub-cellular component, or tissues
  • Absolute or differential (relative, comparative) quantification of identified proteins
  • Mapping of post-translational and other modifications in identified proteins
  • Identification, absolute or differential quantification of metabolites, drugs, and other small molecules

Core Brochure

FY25 Price List

thremofisher orbitrap

Sep 4, 2024