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Mass Spectrometer

Orbitrap Fusion Lumos – Thermo Fisher

  • Tribrid mass spectrometer combining a Quadrupole, a Dual Linear Ion Trap, and an Orbitrap mass analyzers
  • Choice of Fragmentation Types: CID, HCD, ETD, ETciD, EThcD
  • Excellent Mass Resolution: 15,00-450,000 (FWHM) @ m/z200
  • Excellent Mass Accuracy: Sub-ppm
  • Excellent Sensitivity: Quantification of 1 attomole at CV<15%
  • High Scan Rate: 20Hz

UHPLC Systems:

  • Ultimate 3000-RSLCnano – Thermo Fisher
  • Vanquish – Thermo Fisher

Software Packages:

  • Xcalibur/SII 4.3 – Thermo Fisher
  • Proteome Discoverer 3.1 – Thermo Fisher
  • Compound Discoverer 2.1 – Thermo Fisher
  • Tracefinder 4.1 – Thermo Fisher
  • Lipidsearch 4.1 – Thermo Fisher
  • PMI-Preview – Protein Metrics
  • PMI-Byonic - Protein Metrics
  • MaxQuant – Open Source
  • Skyline – Open Source
Sep 4, 2024