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Guaranteed Interview Program

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine is making significant strides in fostering the next generation of physicians through internal and external partnerships to lower hurdles in accessing medical education. Through the guaranteed interview program, we currently have partnerships with Rhodes College, the University of Memphis, and the Master of Science in Pharmacology and Pre-Health Scholars programs at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.


How does the Guaranteed Interview Program work?
The Guaranteed Interview Program provides aspiring medical students from partner institutions and programs a clear path to fulfilling their dreams of becoming physicians. Through the partnerships, prospective students are guaranteed an opportunity to earn an interview with the College of Medicine for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program if they meet specific benchmarks outlined in each individual agreement and apply to the college through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).
Who should apply through the Guaranteed Interview Program?
  • Prospective medical students affiliated with partner institutions/programs who have completed the academic requirements and/or programmatic phases outlined by each individual agreement are encouraged to apply. Criteria is subject to change as determined by the UT Health Science Center College of Medicine or the partner institution/program.
  • Applicants must complete the applicable prerequisite coursework, as offered, or accepted by their institution and UTHSC, and meet other stipulations for admissions to the UTHSC Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program as specified in the course catalog and as published on the program admissions website.
  • Applicants must earn no grade below a "C" in any specified prerequisite course. If a prerequisite course is repeated, the grades average must equate to a "C." UTHSC reserves the right to approve or deny prerequisite coursework or requests for substitutions.
  • Applicants must have a competitive science grade point average and total MCAT score as defined by each individual partner institution or program.
How does the Guaranteed Interview Program admissions process work?

Qualified applicants should apply for the guaranteed interview program by following the steps outlined by their institution/program. Each institution/program has designated a program director to facilitate the activities of the agreement with the UTHSC Doctor of Medicine (MD) program for any affiliated prospective medical students.

  • Applicants seeking admission through this GIA program must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident at the time of application and are required to apply for admission via American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®). The UTHSC Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program deadline for completed applications for all applicants is November 15. However, individual institutions/programs may have stipulated an earlier application deadline to facilitate the transmission of information to the UTHSC College of Medicine Office of Admissions.
  • Applicants must notify the program director for their institution/program of their intent to apply for admission to the UTHSC Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program through the guaranteed interview program.
  • The program director will be responsible for serving as the liaison with the UTHSC Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program and for informing the UTHSC College of Medicine Office of Admissions of applicants who have declared their intent to apply through the guaranteed interview program.


Partner Institutions and Additional Requirements

Criteria may change from time to time as determined by the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine and partner institutions or programs. For a list of program requirements for each partner institution or program, please contact the College of Medicine Office of Admissions.

Rhodes College
Jessica Kelso
Associate Director, Health Professions Advising
901.843.3081 |


University of Memphis
Meghan Cullen
Director, Pre-Professional Advising
College of Arts and Sciences
901.678.4077 | 


UT Health Science Center
Master of Science in Pharmacology
Jeffery Steketee, PhD
Program Director
901.448.4585 |


UT Health Science Center
Pre-Health Scholars Program (PSP)
Takisha Mack
Student Affairs Specialist – Health Career Programs
901.448.8772 |


Mar 7, 2025