White Coat Ceremony
The White Coat Ceremony calls on students to incorporate the humanistic ideals of medicine in their future care of patients. Each year, approximately 170 students are formally welcomed as UTHSC’s newest class of medical students at the annual White Coat Ceremony. Our new medical students gather in the presence of their families, guests, faculty members and college leaders to formally receive the cloak of their future profession: the white coat. This event marks each student's entry into clinical medicine — a milestone in the education of a medical student.
The College of Medicine will host the White Coat Ceremony to celebrate the start of a new journey for the incoming Class of 2029. This event will be held at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts.
White Coat Ceremony FAQs for Students
There is no limit to the number of guests you may invite. This is a free event and tickets are NOT required.
How will the ceremony proceed?
Students will assemble in a designated area where your white coats will be passed out. You will line up in alphabetical order and the group will process around to the front entrance of the auditorium. Then, the group will march into the auditorium, into assigned rows and remain standing until instructed to be seated.
- Faculty and Student Processional
- Welcome and Introductions
- Opening Remarks
- Keynote Speaker
- Presentation of the White Coats
- Administration of the Oath of Hippocrates
- Closing Remarks
- Faculty and Student Recessional
When it is time to be coated, you will be led by student marshals to line up on the steps to the right of the stage. Once in line, you will wait for your name to be called. You will come onto the stage, with your white coat laid over your left arm. You will present your coat to faculty member who will open the coat and assist you in putting it on. After being coated, you will stop and pose for a photo. A staff photographer will be in the auditorium in front of this area. Following the photograph, you will proceed across the stage to the main podium, and pose for a formal photograph, then return to your same seat for the remainder of the ceremony.
Where should the guests sit?
Programs and seating will be available for your guests during the time before the ceremony while you are lining up. Any seat that is not marked reserved is available.
White Coat Ceremony FAQs for Guests
Where can I find information on hotel accommodations, directions and parking?
Find parking information and directions to the Cannon Center here.
Hotel Accommodations: Hotels and Lodging
Can I bring an infant or small child?
Yes. Guests of all ages are encouraged to attend.
What is the recommended attire?
Professional attire is recommended.
Will students be individually recognized at the ceremony?
Yes, each student will be called by name to the stage to don his or her White Coat.
May I take photographs or video?
Yes, you may take photographs and video. However, for traffic flow, safety purposes, and to allow the professional photographer to take photos of all students unimpeded, the area in front of the stage must stay clear. Please also show courtesy to other guests around you so that you do not block their views.
Will there be professional photographs taken? Can we purchase these?
Professional photographers will be taking photos of each student as they are coated and cross the stage for a formal photograph next to the College of Medicine banner, as well as a class photo right after the ceremony and candid shots before and after the ceremony. These photographs will be available for download a few days after the ceremony at no cost. All students will receive an email as to how to access these photographs for themselves and their families. While personal photography is permitted, we ask that guests be courteous of those around them and for safety purposes, keep all aisles and walkways clear. Guests are NOT permitted on stage or in front of the seating area.
Will we have an opportunity to take a photograph of our student?
Yes, there will be a photo opportunity area complete with College of Medicine backdrop in the lobby of the Cannon Center.
General Information and Assistance
Event information is tentative and subject to change. Please contact the College of Medicine Office of Admissions (comadmissions@uthsc.edu) if you have questions about the White Coat Ceremony. Staff and student volunteers will be available the day of the event to answer questions and offer assistance.
History of the White Coat Ceremony